
A very simple tool to containerize your Laravel app

1.3.5 2024-08-27 14:23 UTC


A very simple tool to containerize your Laravel App ...

What? Why?

Do you want to easily create a Docker image from your Laravel App? Then this project wants to become your friend ;-)

!! NOTICE !! So far, this project is severely limited to some base dependencies (like PostgreSQL for example.)


$ composer require janole/laravel-dockerize


1. First, you need to specify the (base-)name of the docker image. Add the following variable to your .env file:




If you're using git, laravel-dockerize will try to automatically add some version and branch tags to the image name.

2. Now build the image:

$ php artisan docker:build
cd /Users/ole/projects/Laravel/test-app && docker build -t my-shiny-new-app:0.1-master .
* Successfully tagged my-shiny-new-app:0.1-master

Yay! Now you've got your first image named my-shiny-new-app:0.1-master

!! NOTICE !! The Dockerfile used to create the image will be automatically saved in your project's root.

3. Create a docker-compose.yml file in the project root:

$ php artisan docker:compose -s 
File saved as /Users/ole/projects/Laravel/test-app/docker-compose.yml

4. Run the project via docker-compose:

$ docker-compose up [-d]
Creating network "test-app_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "test-app_postgres-data" with default driver
Creating test-app_database_1 ... done
Creating test-app_app_1      ... done

Internals ...

  • laravel-dockerize will add another artisan command to your project: container:startup. This command will be automatically called each time the container is (re-)started and it will try to initialize the database for you. For this, it will wait for the database to be ready, call php artisan migrate --force and then try to run the initial seeders DOCKERIZE_SEED1 or updating seeders DOCKERIZE_SEED2 (if the database wasn't fresh.)