
Application updates and upgrades

0.1.0 2021-02-10 11:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 21:47:52 UTC


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Updater is an application updater, it will update and upgrade your deployed applications to the latest release running any tasks before and after each update that are specific to each each release.

Whilst this was originally designed so that applications can be updated by clients or automatically (through a CRON job), I think this might be interesting in the deployment/release cycle.

It works with composer repositories such as packagist.org or static repositories generated by satis. Private repositories can be protected using authentication and update will store and request when needed.

$ updater update
     __  __          __      __
    / / / /___  ____/ /___ _/ /____  _____
   / / / / __ \/ __  / __ `/ __/ _ \/ ___/
  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/  __/ /
  \____/ .___/\__,_/\__,_/\__/\___/_/

version 0.1.0

- Checking for updates company/app (1.0.2)
- Downloading company/app (1.0.3)
- Running before scripts:
 > bin/console db:backup
- Extracting company/app (1.0.3)
- Running after scripts:
 > composer update
 > bin/console db:migrate


You can build from source or download updater from the releases section.

Download the Source Code

Download the source and build updater application.

$ git clone http://github.com/jamielsharief/updater updater
$ cd updater
$ composer install

Now build the PHAR, this will create bin/updater.phar, you can copy this into your application bin folder.

$ php -d phar.readonly=Off bin/build

Copy globally

To install globally copy

$ cp bin/updater.phar /usr/local/bin/updater


Create updater.json in your application project folder, and in each release you can configure it to run before and after commands, bash or PHP scripts - if and when needed.

    "url": "https://packagist.org",
    "package": "company/app",
    "scripts": {
        "before": [
            "bin/console db:backup"
        "after": [
            "bin/console db:migrate"

If you are using a private satis repository, change the url in the updater.json , e.g. https://www.example.com and setup authentication for composer, if required.


Currently only http-basic authorization is supported, to work with this simply create the auth.json in your project directory. However you can also generate a satis private repository which can then connect to various repositories and supports more authentication methods.

    "http-basic": {
        "example.com": {
            "username": "token",
            "password": "878ec3cebea5b2c1ee4c0becdb00d3d3"

Composer can create this for you as well composer config http-basic.example.com username password --global

Initializing the Project

To get started with updater you need to initialize the project.

Run the updater init command to initialize the updater, you will be prompted for the current version, and updates after this will be pulled.

$ updater init


To update your application just run the following command, which will run all updates that are available in sequence.

$ updater update

If you want to run all available updates in the current major version

$ updater update --all

You can use the --verbose option to see the output of the scripts, if any

If you want to test the update using a specific composer version (including development branch), this will use the specific version and it will not update the lock file.

$ updater update --version dev-master


This will only upgrade to the next major version if there are no pending updates, and it will not update any versions after the first next major version.

To upgrade to the next major release run the upgrade command.

$ updater upgrade

You can use the --verbose option to see the output of the scripts, if any

If you want to test the upgrade using a specific composer version (including development branch), this will use the specific version and it will not update the lock file.

$ updater upgrade --version dev-master


Building the PHAR will fail if you do not remove this directory when you have finished.

Download the source and dependencies

$ git clone http://github.com/jamielsharief/updater updater
$ cd updater
$ composer install

Now download the sample project into a sub folder, e.g. updater/demo so you can run updater without building the PHAR file.

$ composer create-project jamielsharief/updater-demo:0.1.0 demo

The first version does not have the updater.json, so create this in demo folder, and set the URL to the repository.

    "url": "https://packagist.org",
    "package": "jamielsharief/updater-demo",
    "scripts": {
        "before": [],
        "after": []

Initialize updater, mentioning the directory where you extracted the zip archive too.

$ bin/updater init demo --version 0.1.0

Then run the update command to get the next available update

$ bin/updater update demo

Now, you can run it a few times or use the --all.

Once you are ready to upgrade the application to the next major version, run

$ bin/updater upgrade demo