
Is a fast, lightweight, feature-rich and open-source web application framework that provides foundation to kick-start your development.

v1.0.12 2021-03-07 07:38 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 22:21:20 UTC


Voyager is a fast, lightweight and open-source web application framework that provides you foundation to kick-start your web development.


  1. Routing Engine
  2. Middlewares and Security
  3. Caching System
  4. Form Validation
  5. Localization
  6. Templating Engine
  7. Database API
  8. Session and Cookie Management
  9. Authentication System
  10. Built-in CSS Utility


  1. Create new project by using the "composer create-project jameslevi/voyager ." command and wait for composer to download and install your fresh voyager framework project.
  2. Using your terminal, run the atmos command "php atmos --init" to generate your .env file and API key for your project.
  3. Serve your project using the "php atmos serve:80" command to start PHP built-in server in localhost at port 80.
  4. Run the command "php atmos project:debug" to start your development.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover some security issues or bugs that can cause security vulnerabilities, please email James Crisostomo via nerdlabenterprise@gmail.com.


This framework is an open-sourced software licensed under MIT License.