
Is a simple database library using PDO in PHP.

v1.0.0 2021-06-02 02:09 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-02 14:12:49 UTC


Is a simple database library using PDO in PHP.

Supported Drivers

  1. MySQL
  2. Microsoft SQL Server


You can install via composer.

composer require jameslevi/neutrino

Add the composer autoload to your project.

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Import neutrino into your project.

use Graphite\Component\Neutrino\Neutrino;

The Basics


// add the composer autoload.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// import neutrino into your project.
use Graphite\Component\Neutrino\Neutrino;

// create a new neutrino instance.
$db = new Neutrino('mysql');

// set the database to access.

// set credentials for authentication.

// set server port.

// establish connection.

// check if connection was established.
if(!$db->isConnected()) {
    die('Connection Failed');

// set SQL query to execute.
$query = $db->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id');

// set placeholder value.
$query->addIntParam('id', 1);

// get the query result.
$fetch = $query->get();

// Convert result to json.
echo $fetch->toJson();

// close the connection.

Establishing Connection

You can establish connection by providing the name of your database, server name, username and password.

// create a new neutrino instance.
$db = new Neutrino('sqlsrv');

// set the database to use.

// set authentication username.

// set authentication password.

// set port number if required.

// establish connection.

Always remember to close the connection each time after use.


Establishing Connection using DSN String

// create a new neutrino instance.
$db = new Neutrino('sqlsrv');

// set dsn string.

// Set username if required.

// Set password if required.

// establish connection.

Basic Query

Use get method if expecting results such as SELECT queries.

$query = $db->query('SELECT * FROM members')->get();

Use exec method if no result is expected such as UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE queries.

$db->query('DELETE FROM members WHERE id = 1')->exec();


You can bind values indirectly to your SQL script.

// your SQL script.
$query = $db->query('SELECT * FROM members WHERE id = :id LIMIT :start, :offset');

// bind values into your SQL script.
$query->addParam('id', 1)
      ->addParam('start', 0)
      ->addParam('offset', 10);

// execute the query.
$fetch = $query->get();

Parameter Data Types

You can declare the data type of each parameters.

$query->addParam('id', 1, PDO::PARAM_INT);

Parameter data types supports string, integer, boolean and null.

$db->addStringParam('id', '1'); // Value has string data type.
$db->addIntegerParam('id', 1); // Value has integer data type.
$db->addBooleanParam('id', true); // Value has boolean data type.
$db->addNullParam('id', null); // Value has null data type.

Fetching Results

You can return the list of result using fetch method.

$rows = $db->query('SELECT email FROM members')->get()->fetch();

// list all emails.
foreach($rows as $row)
    echo $row->email . '<br>';

Get Result Helper Methods

You can get row by index number in a result list.

$get = $db->query('SELECT email FROM members')->get();

// Get the first row from result.
echo $get->get(0)->email;

You can easily get the first and last row from the result list.

$get = $db->query('SELECT email FROM members')->get();

// Get the first email from the results.
echo $get->first()->email;

// Get the last email from the results.
echo $get->last()->email;

You can return a list of values from a single column.

var_dump($get->pluck('email')); // Get all emails from the query.

You can return the column names available from the result.


You can determine the number of rows from the result.

echo $get->numRows();

Return result as array.


Return result as json.

echo $get->toJson();

PDO Attributes

You can set PDO attributes before establishing the connection.


Error Handling

Speficy how the driver will report errors. Values can be silent, warning or exception.


// or


Column Name Cases

Specify the case of the column names.

$db->lowercase(); // Causes column names to lowercase.
$db->natural(); // Display column names as returned by the database.
$db->uppercase(); // Causes column names to uppercase.


Convert numeric values into string.


Convert empty string to null.


Convert null to empty string.


Buffer Size

Value might vary depending on driver.


Buffered Queries

Force queries to be buffered. Only available in MySQL.



Set the query timeout in seconds. Only available in Microsoft SQL Server.



For issues, concerns and suggestions, you can email James Crisostomo via nerdlabenterprise@gmail.com.


This package is an open-sourced software licensed under MIT License.