
Is a simple PHP library for MySQL using PDO.

v1.0.0 2021-05-13 16:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 05:30:21 UTC


Is a simple PHP library for MySQL using PDO.


  1. You can install via composer.
composer require jameslevi/hadron
  1. Paste the following code above your project if not using any PHP framework.
require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
  1. Import hadron into your project.
use Graphite\Component\Hadron\Hadron;

The Basics

This is a basic example on how to implement hadron in your project.


// Import hadron into your project.
use Graphite\Component\Hadron\Hadron;

// Create a new Hadron instance.
$conn = new Hadron('database');

// Set your MySQL username and password.
$conn->setCredentials('username', 'password');

// Create a new query.
$query = $conn->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id LIMIT :start, :offset');

// Set the value of the parameters.
$query->addParam('id', 1)
      ->addParam('start', 0)
      ->addParam('offset', 10);

// Get the results from the query.
$results = $query->get();

// Close connection from the database.

Connecting with your MySQL database

  1. Create a new hadron instance.
$conn = new Hadron('database');
  1. You can also use this magic method.
$conn = Hadron::database();
  1. Set your MySQL credentials.
$conn->setCredentials('username', 'password');
  1. You can also set your server name.
  1. You can set your MySQL port number if not using 3306.
  1. Set the default charset from utf8mb4 to your choice.
  1. The connection will only be established after calling the connect method.
  1. You can determine if connection was established using isConnected method.
  1. Always close each connection after use.

Getting data from the database

  1. Use get method when your query expects result from the database.
$query = $conn->query('SELECT first_name, last_name, gender FROM members')->get();
  1. You can count the number of rows returned.
$count = $query->numRows();
  1. You can check if the query returns nothing.
  1. You can get the first and the last row of the result.
  1. You can also get row by index number.
var_dump($query->get(11)); // Return the 11th result.
  1. If query returns only a single row, you can directly get each column.
echo $query->first_name . ' ' . $query->last_name;
  1. And if query returns a multiple row, you can access each column like object properties.
foreach($query->all() as $member)
    echo $member->name;
  1. You can return the result as an array.
  1. You can also return the result as json.
echo $query->toJson();

Executing Queries

  1. You can use exec method to execute queries expecting no results such as UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE.
$query = $conn->query('UPDATE members SET first_name = :first_name WHERE id = :id');

$query->addParam('first_name', 'James Levi')
      ->addParam('id', 1);
  1. You can determine if query is a success.
  1. You can also know how many rows your query has affected.
echo $query->affectedRows();


Instead of concatenating string to build your SQL query, you can use placeholder to inject values into your SQL query.

$query = $conn->query('INSERT members (`first_name`,`last_name`,`gender`) VALUES(:first_name, :last_name, :gender)');

$query->addParam('first_name', 'James Levi')
      ->addParam('last_name', 'Crisostomo')
      ->addParam('gender', 'male');

You can also directly pass your placeholder in the query method.

$query = $conn->query('SELECT * FROM members WHERE id = :id', array('id' => 1))->get();


For issues, concerns and suggestions, you can email James Crisostomo via nerdlabenterprise@gmail.com.


This package is an open-sourced software licensed under MIT License.