
A simle package to assist with importing data via csv.

1.4.1 2018-01-26 00:19 UTC


This package has been built to work with Laravel 5.4.33 and later.

This package contains methods and traits that can be used with your project, and optionally you can use the views or just the view parials for your UX. If you are using the upload view, make sure you also require the admin package found here: Admin package

Your composer file would look like so:

        "jameron/admin": "*",
        "jameron/import": "*",

Some older versions may not be compatible. Let's see if we can't get you up and running in 10 steps. If you are starting fresh, create your laravel application first thing:

    composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog
  1. Add the package to your compose.json file:
    "jameron/import": "*",
composer update

**NOTE Laravel 5.5+ users there is auto-discovery so you can ignore steps 2 and 3

  1. Update your providers:
  1. Update your Facades:
        'Imports' => Jameron\Regulator\Facades\ImportsFacade::class,
  1. Publish the views and config:
php artisan vendor:publish
  1. (Only if using Regulator for roles and permissions) Seed the database with import permission and assign permission to admin role

You can call it directly via command line or add it to your applications seeder file:

Added to application seeder



Called via command line:

php artisan db:seed --class=\\Jameron\\Import\\database\\seeds\\ImportSeeder
  1. Update your webpack.mix.js file
   .js('resources/assets/import/js/upload.js', 'public/js/Upload.js')
   .sass('resources/assets/import/sass/upload.scss', 'public/css')
  1. Compile it up:
npm run dev
  1. Setup your routes and controllers
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web', 'auth', 'role:admin']], function () {
    Route::get('/import', 'ImportController@getImport');
    Route::post('/import', 'ImportController@postImport');
use \Jameron\Import\Http\Requests\ImportRequest;

class ImportController extends Controller

    public function getImport()
        return view('import::upload');

    public function postImport(ImportRequest $request)
        $csv = $request->file('csv');
        $headers_cleanup_rules = ['trim','pound_to_word_number','spaces_to_underscores', 'remove_special_characters','lowercase'];
        $import_model = \App\Models\QuizScores::class;
        $validator = \App\Http\Requests\QuizScoreRequest::class;

        $relationships = [
                'create_if_not_found' => true,
                'csv_column' => 'student_id',
                'reference_table' => 'users',
                'reference_field' => 'student_identification_number',
                'reference_primary_key' => 'id',
                'foreign_key' => 'student_id',
                'relationship' => 'belongsTo',
                'model' => \App\Models\User::class,
                'validator' => \App\Http\Requests\UserRequest::class,
                'roles' => ['student'], // this only works for new users with the regulator package installed
                'extra_columns' => [
                        'column' => 'student_name',
                        'maps_to' => ['first_name','last_name'],
                        'explode_on' => ' '
                        'column' => 'email',
                        'maps_to' => 'email',
                'append_data' => [
                    'password' => \Hash::make('ChangeIt!')
                'csv_column' => 'test_name',
                'reference_table' => 'tests',
                'reference_field' => 'name', // This assumes that the name field on the tests table has a rule that forces unique
                'reference_primary_key' => 'id', 
                'foreign_key' => 'test_id',
                'model' => \App\Models\Tests::class,
                'validator' => \App\Http\Requests\TestRequest::class,
