
A package to split a laravel project into smaller services

v3.0.5 2022-11-15 13:17 UTC


A package to divide Laravel into smaller services. Then main goal of this package is:

  1. Readable, the code is split into services
  2. Scalable, run services as needed
  3. Faster development, split work between developers


Simply run:

composer require jake142/laravel-service


Start by running

php artisan laravel-service:make

This will start a setup wizard where you define:

  1. The name of the service
  2. The version of the service (eg. V1)
  3. If you want a sample controller (recommended)
  4. If you want a sample job (recommended)
  5. If you want a sample test (recommended)

The service is now created (added as a repository to your composer.json file), but not enabled.

Enable a service

To enable a service run:

php artisan laravel-service:enable laravel-service/$version-$service (eg. laravel-service/v1-sampleservice)

This will enable the service which means:

  1. Composer runs require on your service
  2. The tests will be added to the phpunit.xml and therefore able to run with the phpunit command

Disable a service

To disable a service run:

php artisan laravel-service:disable laravel-service/$version-$service (eg. laravel-service/v1-sampleservice)

This will disable the service which means:

  1. Composer runs remove on your service
  2. The tests will be removed from the phpunit.xml

List services and their status

php artisan laravel-service:list

Generic Queues and Jobs

To call the generic queue:

(new GenericQueue('Services\\V1\\Test\\Jobs\\ExampleJob', ['param'=>'test'], $queue = null))->dispatch();

To run the generic job:

<?php namespace Services\V1\Test\Jobs;

use Jake142\Service\Queue\Jobs\Generic as GenericJob;

 * An example job
class ExampleJob extends GenericJob

     * Execute the job.
     * @return void
    public function handle($payload)
        	//Your code goes here...
       	catch(\Exception $e)
            throw $e;


You can either use vendor:publish to publish the config files for each service or you can publish the laravel-service config file which will get updated when you add new configs to a service. If you use the laravel-service config file you access the config values as following:


Generating OpenAPI docs

php artisan laravel-service:generate-docs {service/all} {constants?}

The docs will be generated in the storage folder: storage/app/laravel-service/v1-sampleservice/docs/swagger.json.

If you use all instead of a service all laravel-services will be used in the docs generation and the file be placed in storage/app/laravel-service/docs/swagger.json

Constants is the path to the config where you store your constants. Eg. swagger.constants will read all constants in the config file swagger and the parameter constants.

Credits to swagger-php

Using readme.com? Need to use swagger feature allOf? Then you can use:

artisan laravel-service:generate-docs {service/all} {constants?} --workaround-readme

Release note

Version 3.0.5 Removed dev-master from composer install.

Version 3.0.4 Made changes to the generic queues.

Version 3.0.3 Special support for readme.com to support swagger features.

Version 3.0.2 Enabled all services for open api doc generation.

Version 3.0.1 Added constants to open api doc generation.

Version 3.0.0 Now with open api 3.0! Read more below!

Version 0.2.9 Fixed bug in GenericQueue where job was not deleted from queue when processed.

Version 0.2.8 Fixed the bug in 0.2.7 whereas $this->findComposer() is an array in laravel 5.8 and above and a string in laravel 5.7 and below.

Version 0.2.7 Override the deprecated function getProcess of the Composer class to support laravel 5.8 and above.

Version 0.2.6 the dev-master param was added to the composer require command run when you enable a service.

Version 0.2.5 Fixed broken update package command. Now you should be able to run

php artisan laravel-service:update-package

If you have been using version 0.2.2 -> 0.2.4 you will have to fix your composer files and phpunit file manually. Sorry!

Note: If you have dependencies between your services (eg. common, core services etc) you should manually disable all service before running the laravel-service:update-package command.

Version 0.2.3 service:make command renamed to laravel-service:make.

Version 0.2.2 Due to Composer 2.x more strict naming rules this package has new naming of the services. I have created an artisan upgrade command to make the changes for you. The command will disable all your services and you have to manually enable them when you have run the command.

php artisan laravel-service:update-package

I have also updated all commands with the prefix laravel-service (instead of service as before)

Version 0.2.1 enabled automatic update of service configs. More info below.

Version 0.2.0 includes generic jobs and queues. This is needed so one service can push data on to a queue without knowing about the code in another service job.

Version 0.1.X is a complete rewrite of the package. Version 0.1.X now creates each service as a composer package and uses composer to add it to your project. It is tested in laravel version 5.6. Previous versions are not supported anymore.


laravel-service will add:

"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true

to your composer.json file.