
A generic Upload files module for ZF2.

dev-master 2013-10-03 18:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-04 03:15:12 UTC


Create By: Jaime Marcelo Valasek

Use this module to upload files.

Futures video lessons can be developed and published on the website or Youtube channel http://www.zf2.com.br/tutoriais - http://www.youtube.com/zf2tutoriais


Download this module into your vendor folder.

After done the above steps, open the file config/application.config.php. And add the module with the name JVUpload.

Pendencies modules

  • To use the module you must also install the following modules:

JVConfig - https://github.com/jaimevalasek/JVConfig JVEasyPhpThumbnail - https://github.com/jaimevalasek/JVEasyPhpThumbnail JVMimeTypes - https://github.com/jaimevalasek/JVMimeTypes

With composer

  1. Add this project and JVEasyPhpThumbnail + JVMimeTypes + JVConfig in your composer.json:
"require": {
    "jaimevalasek/jv-upload": "dev-master"
  1. Now tell composer to download JVUpload by running the command:

php php composer.phar update

Post installation

1.Enabling it in your application.config.php.

return array(
    'modules' => array(
        // ...
    // ...
  1. Configure the array configuration module JVConfig or in your main module
return array(
	// ...
	'jv-upload' => array(
	    'types' => array(
	        'image', 'audio', 'video', 'app', 'thumb', 'text', 'file', 'custom'
	// ...

Using the JVUpload

Basic image example

$upload = new \JVUpload\Service\Upload($this->getServiceLocator()->get('servicemanager'));
    ->setThumb(array('destination' => '/conteudos/thumbs', 'width' => 200, 'height' => 250, 'cropimage' => array(2,0,40,40,50,50)))
    ->setSizeValidation(array('18', '200')) // validation of the file size in KB array (min max).