
Use this module to generate thumbnail to apply the images on your website.

dev-master 2013-09-27 19:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-24 06:31:38 UTC


Create By: Jaime Marcelo Valasek

Use this module to generate thumbnail to apply the images on your website.

Futures video lessons poderam be developed and posted on the website or in http://www.zf2.com.br/tutoriais Youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/zf2tutoriais


Download this module into your vendor folder.

After done the above steps, open the file config / application.config.php. And add the module with the name JVPhpThumb.

With composer

  1. Add this project and JVConfig in your composer.json:
"require": {
    "jaimevalasek/jv-php-thumb": "dev-master"
  1. Now tell composer to download JVPhpThumb by running the command:

php $ php composer.phar update

Enabling it in your application.config.php.

return array(
    'modules' => array(
        // ...
    // ...

After the installation includes a configuration module JVConfig - module.config.php.

  • Create a folder in the root of the site Imagecache
  • Search the Internet or develop an image to display as image not found in case of missing image folder root / img / image_not_found.jpg
  • Configure the folders of images to use when generating the thumbs, these settings are in the file module.config.php
return array(
	// ...
	'php_thumb' => array (
	    'thumbnail_folder' => array(
	        'produto-pagina-inicial' => '/conteudos/imagens/'
	    'cache' => true,
	// ...

Using the thumb php

// View Code < img alt="imagem" src="/thumbnail/nameModuleConfigFolder/250/150/8:5/imagem.jpg" >

exemplo da url htttp://www.seusite.com.br/thumbnail/produto-pagina-inicial/250/150/8:5/imagem.jpg htttp://www.seusite.com.br/thumbnail/name_thumbnail_folder/width/height/ratio/image