
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Return an aggregated status of underlying services with some debugging information. Useful for API dashboards

This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.


A way to report on the status of your service and its subcomponents.

The overall goal of this module is to make reporting on the status of sub-components of an API developer-friendly and non-intrusive. It is anticipated that the primary consumer of those data provided by this module would be a user-friendly dashboard or a service like Pingdom.

Stability note

This module is NOT ready for production. While it probably won't have any major issues ... unit tests have not yet been written. Nor have edge-cases been sorted out when actually using this module.


composer.json require section:

"jackdpeterson/status-aware" : "dev-master"

Edit config/application.config.php:

return array (
    'modules' => array(

Provide status data

  1. Create a class that implements the StatusAware\StatusInterface interface.
  2. Figure out how you will check for status of the component in question (e.g., a CURL call w/ TIMEOUTS FOR FAILURE HANDLING
  3. return an array like so:
public function getServiceStatus() {
	return array(
		'name' => 'something identifiable',
		'is_critical' => true,
		'status' => 'up',
		'message' => ''

reserved fields and their formats in the response array:

'name' => (string) that helps you identify the service/component in question
'status' => (string) 'up','down','degraded'
'is_critical' => (boolean) Is this functionality critical to your API? If down then the overall status will be 'down'. 
'message' => '' => if 'up', the message is expected to be blank, ''. Otherwise it is assumed that you will provide a useful debugging message about the condition of soft-failure or hard-failure.

Providing additional status data

You can certainly provide more information in the getServiceStatus() array like stack traces ... so long as you cast the data as a string.

Get status data

perform an HTTP GET request to /status will respond with JSON data about the status.

Important and worth re-emphasizing:

Set timeouts on your responses and handle exceptions. Otherwise if something is down ... this may not return anything!