
Manage easily your Laravel app version

v1.2 2021-04-01 12:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:29:09 UTC


Manage easily your Laravel app version


With this package, you can:

  • print a version on a page;
  • print it in the console, via an artisan command;
  • increments version number, via an artisan command.


Via Composer

$ composer require j2nlab/laravel-simple-version

Then publish the configuration file:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="J2Nlab\SimpleVersion\ServiceProvider"

The initial config/version.php is:


return array (
  'major' => 0,
  'minor' => 0,
  'patch' => 0,
  'build' => false,
  'commit' => false,

If build is false, then this number is ignored; else it's incremented and never reset to 0. If you want a build number, set to any value (0 or 1, for example).

If commit is false, this number is ignored; else get the 6 firsts digits of the last local commit. If you want a commit number, set to (0 or 1, for example).

Artisan commands

All available commands are:

$ php artisan version         
$ php artisan version:major   
$ php artisan version:minor   
$ php artisan version:patch   
$ php artisan version:build   
$ php artisan version:commit  

php artisan version

Display version number, in different ways available with helpers and Blade directive, currently 'full' and 'compact' (the default).

$ php artisan version
Version (compact): 1.1.1-11-f44744
Version (full): version 1.1.1 (build: 11) (commit: f44744)

If build value is false.

$ php artisan version
Version (compact): 1.1.1-f44744
Version (full): version 1.1.1 (commit: f44744)

If build and commit values are false.

$ php artisan version
Version (compact): 1.1.1
Version (full): version 1.1.1

If patch and build value are false.

$ php artisan version
Version (compact): 1.1-f44744
Version (full): version 1.1 (commit: f44744)

php artisan version:commit

If the commit value on config/version.php is not false, get the 6 firsts digits of the last git local commit.

$ php artisan version:commit
New commit number: db5a4a
New version: 1.1.1-9-db5a4a

Of, if commit value is false.

$ php artisan version:commit
No commit number!

php artisan version:build

If the build value on config/version.php is not false, increment build number. This number is never reseted to 0.

$ php artisan version:build
New build number: 12
New version: 1.1.1-12-db5a4a

Of, if build value is false.

$ php artisan version:build
No build number!

php artisan version:patch

If the patch value on config/version.php is not false, increment app patch number.

$ php artisan version:patch
New major version: 2
New version: 1.1.2-12-db5a4a

Of, if patch value is false.

$ php artisan version:patch
No patch number!

php artisan version:minor

Increment app minor number version, and reset to 0 patch number.

$ php artisan version:minor
New minor version: 2
New version: 1.2.0-12-db5a4a

php artisan version:major

Increment app major number version, and reset to 0 minor and patch numbers.

$ php artisan version:major
New major version: 2
New version: 2.0.0-12-db5a4a


It's really simple:

  • 'major' => 0, is incremented by version:major
  • 'minor' => 0, is incremented by version:minor, reset to 0 by version:major
  • 'patch' => 0, is incremented by version:patch, reset to 0 by version:major/minor
  • 'build' => 0, is incremented by version:build
  • 'build' => false, is never incremented
  • 'commit' => 0, is set with 6 firsts digits of last git commit by version:commit
  • 'commit' => false, is never get


You can use this helper to get a compact version format:

$version = version();

Or you can choose the format:

$version = version('compact');
$version = version('full');

Blade directive

You can use this directive to render a compact version format:


Or you can choose the format:



You can run some PHPunit tests with the following command:

$ composer test


This package is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.