
Runs prototypes and tools

dev-master 2022-08-09 08:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-09 12:42:02 UTC


Quick prototyping, create a directory, create some html, php and stylesheets and fiddle with your prototype in the browser.

Your prototype may make use of Vue (2.6), VueRouter, vue-blocks and it will contain an api bridge to call functions on your defined php objects.


<!-- myprotoype/index.html -->
<template url="/">
        <h1>My Prototype</h1>
        <p>Retrieved data:</p>
        export default {
            async mounted() {
                var arg1 = 'arg1';
                var arg2 = 'some value';
                this.serverData = await api.controller.getMyData(arg1, arg2);

class controller {
    function getMyData($arg1, $arg2) {
        return [
            'you have sent us: ' . $arg1 . ' and ' . $arg2


Via composer

# Add to project
composer require j-angnoe/harness
# Use inside project:

# Or install globally
composer global require j-angnoe/harness:@dev

# Make sure the global composer path is inside path

Installation method 2: harness.phar

# Get the harness executable
wget https://github.com/j-angnoe/toolkit/raw/master/harness/build/harness.phar

# Make it executable
chmod +x harness.phar

# Create a symlink ins\ /usr/local/bin so you can access it anywhere from the commandline
sudo ln -sf harness.phar /usr/local/bin/harness 

# Now get yourself a harness and register it as default harness.
# for instance https://github.com/j-angnoe/toolkit/tree/master/vue-default-harness
cd /path/to/my-default-harness;
harness register;


# Spin up a webserver that will serve your directory
harness [directory]  

# Execute a controller method
harness exec [controller] [method] [...args]
harness exec [filename] [method] [...args]
harness run  # alias for exec

# Building `bundle.js` files for your tools
npm install -g parcel;      # Parcel is a nice companion for prototyping
cd my-tool;
harness build .     # one time build
harness watch .     # continious building 

# Creating a harness tool
harness init my-tool;
cd my-tool;
# start working on your tool

harness register;       # Run this inside a default harness you want to use as default.
harness settings;       # Open the harness-settings.json file in `code`

# Harnass options 
harnass [directory]
    --port        # Which port to run
    --no-browser  # Dont open a browser window
    --tool        # Specify tool directory (instead of assuming [directory] is a tool)

Embedding tools in existing projects

Some insights into how to embed can be found in docs/embedding.md


  • linux (developed on ubuntu, tested on mac).
  • php 7.4
  • a browser (either firefox or via mac's open command) or set environment variable HARNESS_BROWSER_COMMAND
  • code (launch editor for harness settings)

Nice to haves

  • the fd command
  • parcel (npmjs.org/parcel) for automagic bundle building

Handling oploads

When a POST (multipart/form-data) to /upload is encountered, harness will try to call a static method harnessUpload on your default controller.

// Clientside:
// Create a form that posts to `/upload`
<form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/upload">
    <input type="file" name="file" multiple>
    <input type="submit" value="Upload">

// Server side:

 * Create a function called `harnessUpload` 
function harnessUpload($arrayOfUploadedFiles = null) { 
    foreach ($arrayOfUploadedFiles as $file) { 
        // do your moving magic: 
        // move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], '/somewhere/' . $file['name']); 
 * The arrayOfUploadedFiles is an array and supports single and multiple uploads.
 * Each element of $files is an associative array with these keys:
 * - name, type, tmp_name, size, error (see PHP Uploaded Files for more info).
 * Of course you may ignore this argument and work directly with PHP's $_FILES global
 * if you so desire. 

Serving and downloading files

Harness will link /download/FILENAME to Controller::harnessDownload($filename) and will link /dist/FILENAME to Controller::harnessServe($filename)

These functions must return a valid filename to be served by Harness. Harness will do some mime-magick for you so you dont have to. If the function fail to provide a valid (readable) file then an HTTP 404 will be sent.

// server side:
class Controller { 
    function harnessDownload($file) { 
        if (file_exists('./my-secret-files/' . $file)) {
            return './my-secret-files/' . $file;
    function harnessServe($file) { 
       return $this->harnessDownload($file);

// client side:

<a href="/download/awesome-file.txt" target="_blank">Download</a>

Awesome image: 
<img src="/dist/my-image.png">

/download and /dist are pretty much the same. /download will also add a Content-Disposition header. If you want download and dist to serve the same files, implement the 2 functions as shown in the example above.