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dev-master 2016-05-04 15:36 UTC

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Last update: 2024-06-22 17:08:15 UTC



Package for generating REST and SOAP interfaces with WSDL

  • Generates REST and SOAP interfaces with WSDL;
  • XML or JSON input/output has been provided in REST scheme;
  • HTTP codes in headers are returned in responses;
  • Request/response validation by XSD-scheme in WSDL


Resource call

Link to the resource should consist of several parts. For example, /api/rest/example/xml/books/{book_id}


/api/rest/example/ - link to webmaster's resource library
/xml/ - requested data format. Supported formats - xml, json
/books/ - resource name. All resources are described in documentation followed by the input parameters

Input parameters

There are several ways to transfer parameters for GET requests:

In URL - /api/rest/example/xml/books/{book_id}
In GET-parameters - /api/rest/example/xml/books?book_id=351
Mixed type - /api/rest/example/xml/books/{book_id}?author=dostoevsky

Multiple values of one parameter are transferred separated by commas. For example, geo=186,150,37. Attention! Values of GET-parameters shall override the values of these same parameters in URL.

For PUT and POST requests parameters in HTTP-package body shall be transferred in the same order in which they are described in XSD-scheme. Presentation format of the parameters must match the type of the requested data - XML or JSON. Check the example of PUT-request in XML and JSON formats:

	<title>New Title</title>
	<author>New Author</author>

    "book_id": 35,
	"title": "New Title",
	"author": "New Author",
	"price": 100

Response format

Regardless of the format of interaction with the API, the data structure contained in the methods' response is as follows:

status - status of the query;
Possible responses:
    200 - the query was successfully performed;
    400 - Incorrect incoming parameters;
    403 - Incorrect apiKey or insufficient access rights;
    500 - Internal error.
    This status code can be duplicated in The HTTP status code
error - error message;
    If the query is successful, the value will be empty.
data - array with the data returned for the method called. If the query fails it will be empty.


    "status": 500,
    "error": "Server error",
    "data": [ ],

The content of the data block is described in the WSDL/XSD.

ApiController is an enter point for API