ixtensa / zixswipebox
Smartphone gallery for Contao. Optimize Contao gallerys for smartphones/mobile devices and add swipe gestures.
- php: >=5.4
- contao/core: >=3.2, <3.6
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-28 05:53:12 UTC
- The parts of files are changed for the Contao optimization
For original files or more details visit: http://brutaldesign.github.io/swipebox/
Version: Extension include scripts only for Contao <3.2
What is this repository for?
- Gallery with swipe gestures for tablets and smartphones
How do I get set up?
- Copy folder to /system/modules/.
- Choose in page layout jQuery-Templates j_swipebox. 2.1. If you check j_swipebox you musst remove the standad j_colorbox from your layout
How it's work?
The files /system/modules/assets/js/jQuery.swipebox.js or /system/modules/assets/js/jQuery.swipebox.min.js included automaticaly if device are a Mobile, Android or IOS
Template /system/modules/templates/j_swipebox.html5 change all images with a-tags and data-lightbox attributes. See code below All images with a-tag in .ce_gallery, .ce_image or .imagecontainer will open in fullsize and you can use the swipe gestrues to slide images left->right or right->left.
(function($) {
$('.ce_gallery a,.ce_text a[data-lightbox],.ce_image a[data-lightbox],.image_container a[data-lightbox],a[data-lightbox]').swipebox({
useCSS : true, // false will force the use of jQuery for animations
useSVG : true, // false to force the use of png for buttons
initialIndexOnArray : 0, // which image index to init when a array is passed
hideCloseButtonOnMobile : false, // true will hide the close button on mobile devices
hideBarsDelay : 3000, // // delay in ms(3000) before hiding bars on desktop, set value on false to show allways
videoMaxWidth : 600, // videos max width
beforeOpen: function() {}, // called before opening
afterOpen: null, // called after opening
afterClose: function() {}, // called after closing
loopAtEnd: false // true will return to the first image after the last image is reached
Who do I talk to?
- Hakan Havutcuoglu
- info@havutcuoglu.com