
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the ixoplan/ixoplan-sdk package instead.

Client library for Ixoplan APIs

1.0.52 2022-01-11 14:02 UTC


PHP SDK for the Ixoplan API


Simply add ixolit/ixoplan-sdk and a provider of ixolit/ixoplan-sdk-http (e.g. ixolit/ixoplan-sdk-http-guzzle) to your composer.json, e.g:

    "name": "myvendor/myproject",
    "description": "Using ixoplan-sdk",
    "require": {
        "ixolit/ixoplan-sdk": "*",
        "ixolit/ixoplan-sdk-http-guzzle": "*"


Instantiate the Client

The client is designed for different transport layers. It needs a RequestClient interface (e.g. HTTPRequestClient) to actually communicate with Ixoplan.

use Ixolit\Dislo\Client;
use Ixolit\Dislo\HTTP\Guzzle\GuzzleHTTPClientAdapter;
use Ixolit\Dislo\Request\HTTPRequestClient;
$httpAdapter = new GuzzleHTTPClientAdapter();

$httpClient = new HTTPRequestClient(

$apiClient = new Client($httpClient);

Most methods related to user data can be used with either a user ID, a \Ixolit\Dislo\WorkingObjects\User object or an authentication token. However, the less secure options have to be requested explicitely by passing $forceTokenMode = false to the constructor. Don't use this option unless you really need it, e.g. for implementing administrative functionality.


Authenticate user, retrieve token and user data:

$apiClient = new \Ixolit\Dislo\Client($httpClient);

try {
    $authResponse = $apiClient->userAuthenticate(

    $authToken = $authResponse->getAuthToken();
    setcookie('authToken', $authToken);
    $user = $response->getUser();
    echo $user->getLastLoginDate();
catch (\Ixolit\Dislo\Exceptions\AuthenticationInvalidCredentialsException $e) {
    // invalid credentials
    echo $e->getMessage();

Get user from token:

$token = getcookie('authToken');

$apiClient = new \Ixolit\Dislo\Client($httpClient);
try {
    $user = $apiClient->userGet($token);
catch (\Ixolit\Dislo\Exceptions\InvalidTokenException $e) {
    // token invalid, e.g. expired
    setcookie('authToken', null, -1);
catch (\Ixolit\Dislo\Exceptions\DisloException $e) {
    // other, e.g. missing arguments

A token's expiry time is extended automatically on usage.

Verify a token, explicitly extend its expiry time and optionally change its lifetime:

$token = getcookie('authToken');

$apiClient = new \Ixolit\Dislo\Client($httpClient);
try {
    $response = $apiClient->userExtendToken($token, $ipAdress, 3600);
    $authToken = $response->getAuthToken();
    echo $authToken->getValidUntil()->format('c');
catch (\Ixolit\Dislo\Exceptions\InvalidTokenException $e) {
    // token invalid, e.g. expired
    setcookie('authToken', null, -1);
catch (\Ixolit\Dislo\Exceptions\DisloException $e) {
    // other, e.g. missing arguments


setcookie('authToken', null, -1);


Retrieve a list of packages, optionally filtered by service ID:

$apiClient = new \Ixolit\Dislo\Client($httpClient);

$response = $apiClient->packagesList("1");

foreach ($response->getPackages() as $package) {
    echo $package->getDisplayNameForLanguage('en')->getName(), "\n";


Retrieve a list of subscriptions for a user:

$apiClient = new \Ixolit\Dislo\Client($httpClient);

$response = $apiClient->subscriptionGetAll($token);

foreach ($response->getSubscriptions() as $subscription) {
        'status' => $subscription->getStatus(),
        'active' => $subscription->isActive(),
        'startedAt' => $subscription->getStartedAt()->format('c'),
        'package' => $subscription->getCurrentPackage()->getDisplayNameForLanguage('en')->getName(),
        'price (EU)' => $subscription->getCurrentPeriod()->getBasePriceForCurrency('EUR')->getAmount(),
        'metaData' => $subscription->getProvisioningMetaData(),

Search API

Run a parametrized query against the search database in Ixoplan, pass a file resource to stream the returned data to.

$apiClient = new \Ixolit\Dislo\Client($httpClient);

$date = date('Y-m-d');
$file = fopen('/path/to/file', 'w');

    'select * from users where last_indexed_at > :_last(date)',
    ['last' => $date],