
Bash DB Dumper

Installs: 272

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Stars: 1

Watchers: 1

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


0.1.10 2023-10-12 10:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 11:26:40 UTC



This tool helps you to dump db fixtures from given database and can import existing db fixtures. Credentials and configurations are read from an .env file.


Within a PHP project (composer)

composer require --dev ixnode/bash-db-dumper
vendor/bin/db-dumper -V
db-dumper 0.1.1 (2023-28-01 18:07:16) - Björn Hempel <bjoern@hempel.li>

Outside the project

git clone git@github.com:ixnode/bash-db-dumper.git && cd bash-db-dumper
bin/db-dumper -V
db-dumper 0.1.1 (2023-28-01 18:07:16) - Björn Hempel <bjoern@hempel.li>


Add at least the following configuration variables to your .env file:

###> table-dumper (local docker settings) ###
###< table-dumper (local docker settings) ###

See .env.dist file for other examples and configuration variables like:


MySQL dump settings: Views will be imported after importing all tables to be sure all needed tables are exists

Example: MYSQLDUMP_VIEWS=view_1,view_2


Overview of configuration

Variable Description Example
MYSQLDUMP_DATABASE_URL Contains the database credentials. mysql://user:pass@localhost:3306/db?serverVersion=8.0
MYSQLDUMP_IGNORED_TABLES Contains a comma-separated list of tables which are to be ignored by the dump command. Asterisk can be used to specify several tables at once. table1,table2,cache_*
MYSQLDUMP_FILTERED_TABLES Used to filter the content of tables. As an example only export data that is not deleted or is hidden (deleted = 0 AND hidden = 0). table3:"deleted = 0 AND hidden = 0",table4:"deleted = 0 AND hidden = 0"
$MYSQLDUMP_FILTERED_TABLES_DELETED_HIDDEN A shortcut for MYSQLDUMP_FILTERED_TABLES with --where="deleted = 0 AND hidden = 0". Contains a comma-separated list of tables to be filtered. table3,table4
MYSQLDUMP_TABLES_NO_DATA Contains a comma-separated list of tables from which no data should be dumped. Asterisk can be used to specify several tables at once. table5,table6_*
MYSQLDUMP_TABLES_ONLY_DATA Contains a comma-separated list of tables from which no structure of tables should be dumped. Asterisk can be used to specify several tables at once. table7,table8_*
MYSQLDUMP_VIEWS Contains a comma-separated list of views. Views will be imported after the tables are imported. Asterisk can be used to specify several tables at once. view1,view2_*

Dump tables into db fixtures

Via composer

vendor/bin/db-dumper dump

Cloned project

bin/db-dumper dump

All dumps are then located in ./fixtures/db/*.sql.

Import existing db fixtures located in ./fixtures/db/*.sql into database

Via composer

vendor/bin/db-dumper import

Cloned project

bin/db-dumper import

Show help

Shows the parameters and arguments of the tool.

vendor/bin/db-dumper -h
db-dumper 0.1.1 (2023-28-01 18:07:16) - Björn Hempel <bjoern@hempel.li>

Usage: db-dumper [options...] dump
Usage: db-dumper [options...] import

 -e,    --env-path                    Contains the environment path (.env.local)

 -dcs,  --disable-column-statistics   Disable mysql column statistics

 -t,    --with-time                   Also outputs the time to each log entry (default: false).
 -v,    --verbose                     Set output to verbose (default: false).
 -c,    --color                       Colored output (default: false).
 -d,    --debug                       Set to debug mode. No longer performs any actions.
                                      Shows only the commands. (default: false).
 -l,    --print-log                   Print the log file
 -u,    --update-version              Shows this script with updated version read from VERSION
 -h,    --help                        Shows this help.
 -V,    --version                     Shows the version number.

Use debug mode

The command only shows the commands and does not execute them:

Via composer

vendor/bin/db-dumper dump -d
vendor/bin/db-dumper import -d

Cloned project

bin/db-dumper dump -d
bin/db-dumper import -d

Show last log

vendor/bin/db-dumper -l

Update version

vendor/bin/version-manager --patch
bin/db-dumper -u
rm bin/db-dumper && mv bin/db-dumper.tmp bin/db-dumper


This tool is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details