
Shibboleth authentication for Zend Framework 2

1.1.0 2013-11-28 15:35 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 16:32:37 UTC


Dependency Status

The module provides Shibboleth authentication as a standard Zend Framework 2 authentication adapter.


  • Shibboleth SP instance - configured and running to provide user's attributes as environment variables to the target application


The recommended installation method is through composer:

php composer.phar require ivan-novakov/zfc-shib:1.*

You can use this as a ZF2 module in a ZF2 MVC application or just as a library in any other type of application. If you want to use it as a module, add the module name 'ZfcShib' to your application configuration.

Basic usage

The adapter accepts these configuration options:

  • id_attr_name (required) - the name of the attribute, which contains the user identity, for example eppn
  • user_attr_names (optional) - a list of user attribute names to be extracted and added to the result user identity. If not specified, all default attributes will be added.
  • system_attr_names (optional) - a list of system attribute names to be extracted and added to the result user identity (such as Shib-Identity-Provider for example). If not specified, all default attributes will be added.


    $adapter = new \ZfcShib\Authentication\Adapter\Shibboleth(array(
        'id_attr_name' => 'eppn', 
        'user_attr_names' => array(
    $result = $adapter->authenticate();
    if ($result->isValid()) {
        $identity = $result->getIdentity();

The $identity array then contains two sub-arrays:

  • system - contains system attributes
  • user - contains the required user attributes eppn, cn and mail.

The $identity variable will contain:

    [system] => Array
        [Shib-Application-ID] => default
        [Shib-Identity-Provider] => https://idp.example.org/idp/shibboleth
        [Shib-Authentication-Instant] => 2013-05-13T13:40:45.687Z
        [Shib-Authentication-Method] => urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport
        [Shib-AuthnContext-Class] => urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport
        [Shib-Session-Index] => cfe418967cd195e568ac000f57234bc287ecb5532365aa46c893d6e7f34300f0

    [user] => Array
        [eppn] => test@example.org
        [cn] => Test User
        [mail] => test.user@example.org


Alternative identity container

By default, the identity is returned as an array. But you can make the adapter return the identity in a format that suits you best. If you pass an identity factory object as a third parameter of the adapter's contructor, it will be used to create the identity. The factory must implement the ZfcShib\Authentication\Identity\IdentityFactoryInterface with the createIdentity() method, which receives the identity data value object as an argument and should return the resulting identity.

    use ZfcShib\Authentication\Identity;

    class MyIdentityFactory implements IdentityFactoryInterface
        public function createIdentity(Identity\Data $identityData)
            return new MyUser($identityData->getUserData());
    $identityFactory = new MyIdentityFactory();
    $adapter = new \ZfcShib\Authentication\Adapter\Shibboleth($options, null, $identityFactory);

Dummy adapter

If you need to develop and test your application and you don't have a running Shibboleth SP available, you can use the ZfcShib\Authentication\Adapter\Dummy adapter, which simulates the functionality of the Shibboleth adapter. Just pass all dummy user and system data to the constructor and use the adapter instead of the "real" one:

    use ZfcShib\Authentication\Adapter;

    $dummyOptions = array(
        'user_data' => array(
            'uid' => 'foo',
            'cn' => 'Foo Bar',
            'mail' => 'foo@bar.cz',
            'employeeNumber' => 123456
        'system_data' => array(
            'Shib-Application-ID' => 'default'
    $dummy = new Adapter\Dummy($dummyOptions, null, new MyUserFactory());

