ivampiresp / lumen-generator
A Lumen Generator You Are Missing (forked from flipboxstudio/lumen-generator)
2023-04-21 12:45 UTC
- classpreloader/classpreloader: ^3.0|^4.0
- illuminate/console: ^5.5|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^8.17|^9.0
- illuminate/filesystem: ^5.5|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^8.17|^9.0
- illuminate/support: ^5.5|^6.0|^7.0|^8.0|^8.17|^9.0
- psy/psysh: 0.9.*|0.10.*|0.11.*
- symfony/var-dumper: ^4.2|^4.3|^5.0|^5.1|^5.2|^6.0
- anik/form-request: Required to use form request in Lumen.
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-15 23:02:25 UTC
由于我看原仓库好久没更新,所以自己适配了一下 Lumen 9
Origin repo: https://github.com/flipboxstudio/lumen-generator
To use some generators command in Lumen (just like you do in Laravel), you need to add this package:
composer require ivampiresp/lumen-generator
Inside your bootstrap/app.php
file, add:
Available Command
key:generate Set the application key
make:cast Create a new custom Eloquent cast class
make:channel Create a new channel class
make:command Create a new Artisan command
make:controller Create a new controller class
make:event Create a new event class
make:exception Create a new custom exception class
make:factory Create a new model factory
make:job Create a new job class
make:listener Create a new event listener class
make:mail Create a new email class
make:middleware Create a new middleware class
make:migration Create a new migration file
make:model Create a new Eloquent model class
make:notification Create a new notification class
make:pipe Create a new pipe class
make:policy Create a new policy class
make:provider Create a new service provider class
make:request Create a new form request class
make:resource Create a new resource
make:rule Create a new rule
make:seeder Create a new seeder class
make:test Create a new test class
notifications:table Create a migration for the notifications table
schema:dump Dump the given database schema
Additional Useful Command
clear-compiled Remove the compiled class file
serve Serve the application on the PHP development server
tinker Interact with your application
optimize Optimize the framework for better performance
route:list Display all registered routes.
command has been added via appzcoder/lumen-route-list package.
Tinker include
Argument Usage
php artisan tinker path/to/tinker/script.php
script.php example:
$environment = app()->environment();
$output = new Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput();
$output->writeln("<info>Hello the app environment is `{$environment}`</info>");
$output->writeln("<comment>Did something</comment>");
$output->writeln("<error>Did something bad</error>");