
Time management class

dev-master 2016-10-04 19:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 22:10:04 UTC


A PHP class to easily create and maintain time values. You can create the object from a string like "1:22:13.212" or timestamps and it will automatically parse and fetch values.

You can then update the values, or convert it into strings or timestamps.

Creating the object

You can create the object from empty value, or from a string, or a timestamp. i.e.

$time1 = new \ItvisionSy\Time\Time(); //Time is set to "0:0:0.000"
$time2 = new \ItvisionSy\Time\Time("1:22:18.212");
$time3 = new \ItvisionSy\Time\Time(36232518212);

Also you can use the make($time) factory method:

$time1 = \ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make();
$time2 = \ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make("12:46:36.897");
$time3 = \ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make(3600000);

Time string

Time string is a string with 4 parts as follows: h[:i[:s[.m]]]. I.e:

\ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make('3')->format(); //3:0:0.0 
\ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make('3:30')->format(); //3:30:0.0 
\ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make('3:30:22')->format(); //3:30:22.0 
\ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make('3:30:22.123')->format(); //3:30:22.123 

If milliseconds digits are more than 3, only first 3 will be used. Also, you can use irregular (overflown) values and it will be automatically converted into the next unit. i.e.

\ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make('3:90')->format(); //4:30:0.0 
\ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make('0:180')->format(); //3:0:0.0 

Setting values

You can use the methods: hours($value), minutes($value), seconds($value), or millis($value) to update the value. The $value parameter can be either an integer which will replace the old value, or a string preceded with "+" or "-" to alter the current value. i.e.

$time = \ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make()->hours(4); //sets the hours to 4
$time->hourse("+3"); //sets the hours to 7 (4+3)
$time->hours(0)->minutes(128)->seconds(61)->format(); //returns 2:9:1.000

You can also use the direct assignment which will call the previous methods. i.e.

$time = \ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make("1:2:3.4");
$time->hours = 33;
$time->seconds = "-22";

Or you can use the parser method


Getting values

You can either use the methods or the properties

$time->hours; // === $time->hours()
$time->minutes; // === $time->minutes()
$time->seconds; // === $time->seconds()
$time->millis; // === $time->millis()



format(boolean $leadingZeros = false)

$time = \ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make("6:3:7.23");
$time->format(); //"8:6:7.23"
$time->format(true); //"8:06:07.023"


You can represent the timestamp in a unit like hours or minutes.

$time = \ItvisionSy\Time\Time::make("2:30:00.000");


####Diff function

use \ItvisionSy\Time\Time; 
Time::make('3')->diff(Time::make(2))->inHours; //3:0:0.0