
The "Where is this class used, and what for?" index-and-query library

dev-master 2023-10-06 13:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 16:03:12 UTC


This library gives your software the ability to get a quick answer to the "Where and what is this class used for?" question.

It offers a programming API and command lines to scan your PHP project for class references, store them into an indexed class use cache into your filesystem, then allow you to search where a class is used into your whole project.

It is designed to be simple to apply to any PHP project, and fast to execute. Its code aims for simplicity and lightweight: no library dependency, and I tried to limit it to the fewer abstraction layers I could in order to get a code simple to understand and to update.


Command line usage

Command line is available for usage demonstration purpose and benchmarking: it displays operation duration, memory usage, and counters. It makes it easy to test the library without having to write source code.


git clone itrocks/class-use

# make it available from any directory (Linux systems):
sudo ln -s `pwd`/class-use/bin/run /usr/local/bin/class-use

Update cache

From any subdirectory of your PHP project (e.g. here from the project root directory):

class-use vendor

# OR: if you did not add a direct link to the console script, you can do the same with (Linux systems):
/path/to/your/clone/of/itrocks/class-use/bin/run vendor

# OR: if you have php installed on a non-Linux system (e.g. Windows):
php /path/to/your/clone/of/itrocks/class-use/bin/run.php vendor


  • reset: Fully recalculate your class use cache. If not set, only files modified since the last update will be scanned for update.
  • pretty: Class use cache json files will be human-readable, including spaces and carriage returns; Nevertheless, cache files will be bigger.
  • vendor: Updates class uses concerning php files from the vendor directory too. If not set, only your project files will be scanned, which will be quite faster, and enough only if you don't need third-party PHP scripts class use information.

Search for occurrences

From any directory of your PHP project (e.g. here from the project root directory):

class-use type=declare-class use=ITRocks/Class_Use/Index data

This example will output all uses of the class use Index into all your project scripts.

If you love escaping antislashes, feel free to type them to match PHP class path naming rules:

class-use type=declare-class use=ITRocks\\Class_Use\\Index data

Search keys

You can use one or several search criterion, identified by these keys:

  • class: Search class uses only into this class source code
  • use: Search class uses of this class
  • type: Search class uses of this type (type lists below)


These options can be added to your command line:

  • associative: Result record keys will be text instead of arbitrary numeric counter.
  • benchmark: Display a benchmark measure of search speed and memory consumption.
  • data: Display found class uses into a compact json format.
  • total: Display the total results count, e.g. "2 results".
  • pretty: Display found class uses into a pretty json format.

If no associative/data/pretty/total option is set, the total option will be applied by default.

Associative result keys are:

  • class: The name of the class context where the use is
  • type: The use type (type lists below)
  • use: The used class name
  • file: The name of the file where the use is
  • line: The line number
  • token: The index of the token where the used class name is into the source code

Programming API usage


To add this to your project:

composer require itrocks/class-use

Update cache

When your project need to update the cache, these are the update steps to follow:

use ITRocks\Class_Use\Index;

$index = new Index(Index::VENDOR);

Option flags

  • Index::VENDOR: Updates class use cache concerning php files from the vendor directory too. If not set, only your project files will be scanned, which will be quite faster, and enough only if you don't need third-party PHP scripts class use information.
  • Index::RESET: Fully recalculate your class use cache. If not set, only files modified since the last update will be scanned for update.
  • Index::PRETTY: Class use cache json files will be human-readable, including spaces and carriage returns; Nevertheless, cache files will be bigger.

The constructor of Index has a second argument, $home, to force the directory where to scan classes and save class use cache from. If not set, this will scan your project files, found from the current working directory.

Search for occurrences

use ITRocks\Class_Use\Index;

echo "These are where the Index class is used:\n";
$index = new Index();
foreach ($index->search([T_USE => Index::class]) as $reference) {
  [$class, $type, $use, $file, $line, $token] = $reference;
	echo "#$key. $type into $file";
	if ($class) echo " class $class";
	echo " token $token line $line";
	echo "\n";

This example will output all the references to the class use Index into all your project scripts.

You can see multiple examples in action running the scripts into the examples directory. e.g.:

php examples/complete.php

The unit test into tests/scanner.references.proviver and Scanner_Test.php contain a lot of other examples with expected results.

Search keys

You can use one or several search criterion, identified by these keys:

  • T_CLASS: Search class uses into this class source code
  • T_TYPE: Search class uses of this type (type lists below)
  • T_USE: Search class uses of this class, everywhere

Class use Types

When it is a numeric, each found class use reference is qualified with any of these class use type identifiers:

  • T_ARGUMENT: the class is used as a function argument type
  • T_ATTRIBUTE: the class is an attribute used into a #[...] statement
  • T_CLASS: an explicit use of the name of the class into the source code, ie Class_Name::class
  • T_DECLARE_CLASS: the class declaration
  • T_DECLARE_INTERFACE: the interface declaration
  • T_DECLARE_TRAIT: the trait declaration
  • T_EXTENDS: the class appears into an extends statement of another class declaration
  • T_IMPLEMENTS: the class appears into an implements statement of another class declaration
  • T_INSTANCEOF: the class appears after an instanceof statement
  • T_INSTEADOF: the class appears after an insteadof statement
  • T_NEW: the class is used to instantiate an object
  • T_RETURN: the class is used into a function return type
  • T_STATIC: the class is used for a static call, e.g. Class_Name::static or Class_Name::CONSTANT
  • T_USE: the class appears into a class use statement
  • T_VARIABLE: the class is used into a class property type definition

From command line calls: the type name is almost the same as the type list constant name: instead of passing T_DECLARE_CLASS in command line, pass declare-class or declare_class. All these variants will work, and the integer value matching the constant name too if you prefer.

When it is a string, attribute names are used as types: every class use into an attribute will be referred with a type being the name of the attribute. Only ::class as an argument, or as a value into an array argument, are taken in account.