
A Laravel package to backup your application

v1.0 2020-11-10 11:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:40:25 UTC


This package provides a class to help scheduling your backup using restic


Go installation

Before using this package you have to install go and restic

Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

If you have a previous version of Go installed, be sure to remove it before installing another.

Download the archive and extract it into /usr/local, creating a Go tree in /usr/local/go. For example, run the following as root or through sudo:

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.15.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Add /usr/local/go/bin to the PATH environment variable. You can do this by adding the following line to your $HOME/.profile or /etc/profile (for a system-wide installation):

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

Note: Changes made to a profile file may not apply until the next time you log into your computer. To apply the changes immediately, just run the shell commands directly or execute them from the profile using a command such as source $HOME/.profile.

Verify that you've installed Go by opening a command prompt and typing the following command:

go version

Confirm that the command prints the installed version of Go.

Restic installation

Restic is a backup program that is fast, efficient and secure. It supports the three major operating systems (Linux, macOS, Windows) and a few smaller ones (FreeBSD, OpenBSD).


On Debian, there’s a package called restic which can be installed from the official repos, e.g. with apt-get:

apt-get install restic

From Source

In order to build restic from source, execute the following steps:

git clone
cd restic
go run build.go

if you have problems reaching go modules and repositories try:

go run build.go


go env -w GO111MODULE=on
go env -w GOPROXY=,direct

For other installation guides for Linux distributions or windows go Restic installation

Basic installation

You can install this package via composer using:

composer require itop/laravel-restic

The package will automatically register its service provider.

To publish the config file to config/restic.php run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Itop\Restic\ResticServiceProvider"

This is the default contents of the configuration:


This is the default contents of the configuration:

return [

    'restic_binary_path' => '/var/www/restic/restic', 

    'repositories' => [

        'local' => [
            'backup_paths' => [
            'exclude_files' => [
            'env' => [
                'RESTIC_PASSWORD'   => 'password',
                'RESTIC_REPOSITORY' => '/var/www/backup',

        'remote'  => [
            'backup_paths' => [
            'exclude_files' => [
            'env' => [
                'RESTIC_PASSWORD'   => 'password',
                'RESTIC_REPOSITORY' => 'rest:https://user:password@host:port/user/',

For pathing options to restic use env section in config file. Full environment variables that using restic listed here



Before you start to backup your files you have to init your repositories specified in config/restic.php. The place where your backups will be saved is called a “repository”. All repositories specified in config/resic.php that you want to backup should be initiated separately

php artisan restic:init local # or remote


Now we’re ready to backup some data. The contents of a directory at a specific point in time is called a “snapshot” in restic. Run the following command for creating first snapshot.

php artisan restic:backup local

If you run the backup command again, restic will create another snapshot of your data, but this time it’s even faster and no new data was added to the repository (since all data is already there). This is de-duplication at work!

for exclude files from backup you can path other options like:

php artisan restic:backup local --exclude="*.c" --exclude-file=excludes.txt

if --exclude option is not passed will be used specified in config/restic.php or in env section


Now, you can list all the snapshots stored in the repository:

php artisan restic:snapshots local


In order to remove the snapshots of local repository use the forget command and specify the snapshot ID on the command line:

php artisan restic:forget local forget bdbd3439

Removing snapshots manually is tedious and error-prone, therefore restic allows specifying which snapshots should be removed automatically according to a policy. You can specify how many hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly snapshots to keep, any other snapshots are removed.

php artisan restic:forget local --keep-last 4 --tag foo --tag bar 


After removing a snapshot the data that was referenced by files in that snapshot is still stored in the repository. To cleanup unreferenced data, the prune command must be run:

php artisan restic:prune local

Every command also includes a "help" screen which displays and describes the command's available arguments and options. To view a help screen, precede the name of the command with help

php artisan restic:forget --help


See example of scheduling in App/Console/Kernel.php

$logPath = storage_path('logs/restic.log');

// Local repository
$schedule->command('restic:backup local')

$schedule->command('restic:forget local --keep-last=4')

// Remote repository
$schedule->command('restic:backup remote')

$schedule->command('restic:forget remote --keep-last=4')