
1.0.0 2022-08-24 19:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 01:23:20 UTC



  • customizable automatic logging of any eloquent models
  • rollback or apply any past changes through history
  • it is possible to disable logging for a separate piece of code
  • it is possible to enable or disable individual module events for a separate piece of code
  • command to clean up old entries, can be applied in cron

Install for laravel

1. Open file config/app.php and search

    'providers' => [

Add to section



    'providers' => [

Attention! It is recommended to connect the service provider in the list last

2. Run commands

For creating config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Providers\ModelChangeLogProvider" --tag=config

For creating migration file

php artisan model:change:log:publish --tag=migration

For generate table

php artisan migrate

3. Open config file config/model_change_log.php and customize

Command for clear old entries

php artisan model:change:log:clear

or run in laravel scheduler in the file app/Console/Kernel.php

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)


Enable/Disable module for current script


Enable/Disable event for current script



  • \ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Models\ModelChangeLog::TYPE_EVENT_CREATE
  • \ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Models\ModelChangeLog::TYPE_EVENT_UPDATE
  • \ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Models\ModelChangeLog::TYPE_EVENT_DELETE
  • \ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Models\ModelChangeLog::TYPE_EVENT_SOFT_DELETE
  • \ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Models\ModelChangeLog::TYPE_EVENT_FORCE_DELETE

Apply changes from history

    ModelChangeLog $model,
    array $fields = []
\ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Facades\ModelChangeLogFacade::applyChanges($model, ['first_name', 'last_name']);

$fields - List of fields to be applied, if not specified, all fields from the history will be applied

Rollback changes from history

    ModelChangeLog $model,
    array $fields = []
\ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Facades\ModelChangeLogFacade::rollbackChanges($model, ['first_name', 'last_name']);

$fields - List of fields to be applied, if not specified, all fields from the history will be applied

Optional modification custom model

Get entries from history for current model

If you add trait \ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Traits\ModelChangeLogTrait to your eloquent model, then the history of this model will be available by relationship

class User extends Model
    use \ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Traits\ModelChangeLogTrait;
$list = User::query()->find(1)->modelChangeLog;

Not logged fields for current model

class User extends Model
    public $notLogFields = [

Default Field Value for Restoring a Model

Fields that will be filled with default values (when the model is restored), recommended for required model fields in case these fields are not in the history

class User extends Model
    public $restoreDefaultRawValues = [
        'email_verified_at' => '2022-01-24 15:00:00',
        'remember_token' => '12345',

All other work with the history is done through the eloquent model \ItDevgroup\ModelChangeLog\Models\ModelChangeLog