
laravel email template lite

2.0.0 2023-08-04 18:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 22:23:05 UTC



  • command for sync email templates table in database
  • all email templates in seeder file
  • save and load email templates from database (API for CRUD system)
  • custom variables (common and separate variables for each type of template)
  • custom variables via config file
  • text for custom variables via lexicon file
  • wrapper template for all email templates (blade)
  • preview email template
  • customization email template model and table

Install for Lumen

1. Open file bootstrap/app.php

Uncommented strings


Added after $app->configure('app');


add new service provider


2. Run commands

For creating config file

php artisan email:template:publish --tag=config

For creating migration file

php artisan email:template:publish --tag=migration

For generate table

php artisan migrate

For creating resource file

php artisan email:template:publish --tag=resource

Install for laravel

1. Open file config/app.php and search

    'providers' => [

Add to section



    'providers' => [

2. Run commands

For creating config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\Providers\EmailTemplateServiceProvider" --tag=config

For creating migration file

php artisan email:template:publish --tag=migration

For generate table

php artisan migrate

For creating resource file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\Providers\EmailTemplateServiceProvider" --tag=resources

Next steps install for laravel and lumen

1. Create seeder file if not exists for email templates. In the created seed file, you need to add a static method (for example, public static function data()). The method must return an array of standard to fill the database

2. Open config file config/email_template_lite.php and add this class and method in exists parameters

'data' => [
    'class' => \Database\Seeders\EmailTemplateTableSeeder::class,
    'method' => 'data',

3. Setup section variable_parser for external or internal parser

Command for sync email templates

php artisan email:template:sync

Custom model

Step 1

Create custom model for email template


File: app/CustomFile.php



namespace App;

class CustomFile extends \ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\Model\EmailTemplate

If need change table name or need added other code:


namespace App;

class CustomFile extends \ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\Model\EmailTemplate
    protected $table = 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME';
    // other code
Step 2

Open config/email_template_lite.php and change parameter "model", example:

// replace
'model' => \ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\Model\EmailTemplate::class,
// to
'model' => \App\CustomFile::class,
Step 3

Use custom \App\CustomFile model everywhere instead of standard model \ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\Model\EmailTemplate


Initialize service

$service = app(\ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\EmailTemplateServiceInterface::class);

or injected

// use
use ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\EmailTemplateServiceInterface;
// constructor
public function __construct(
    EmailTemplateServiceInterface $emailTemplateService

or use helper


further we will use the variable $service

List of email templates

All email templates

$eloquentCollection = $service->getList();

Email templates with filter. All filter parameters not required

$filter = (new \ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\Model\EmailTemplateFilter())
// or

$filter = (new \ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\Model\EmailTemplateFilter())
$eloquentCollection = $service->getList($filter);

Email templates with pagination

$lengthAwarePaginator = $service->getList(null, $page, $perPage);
$lengthAwarePaginator = $service->getList(null, 1, 10);

Email templates with sorting

$eloquentCollection = $service->getList(null, null, null, $fieldName, $ascOrDesc);
$eloquentCollection = $service->getList(null, null, null, 'title', 'ASC');

Email template by ID

$emailTemplate = $service->getById(1);

Email template by TYPE

$emailTemplate = $service->getByType('emailTemplate_type');

Email template create

$emailTemplate = \ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\Model\EmailTemplate::register(
$emailTemplate->is_active = true;

Email template update

$emailTemplate = $service->getById(1);
$emailTemplate->title = 'Title';
$emailTemplate->subject = 'Subject';
$emailTemplate->body = 'Body';
$emailTemplate->is_active = true;

Email template delete

$emailTemplate = $service->getById(1);

Email template parse short codes

$emailTemplate = $service->getById(1);
// or
$emailTemplate = $service->getByType('type');
$service->render($emailTemplate, ['test_1' => '111', 'test_2' => 222]);
return $emailTemplate;

Email template preview

return $emailTemplate;

Email template variables

$emailTemplate = $service->getById(1);
// or
$emailTemplate = $service->getByType('type');
$emailTemplate->variables; // Collection

Email template wrapper

return $service->emailWrapper();

Email template set new wrapper (for change via code)


The procedure of adding new template

  1. Add to seeder file

  2. Run sync command

php artisan email:template:sync
  1. Add email template variables to config file config/email_template_lite.php in section variables

  2. Add text for variables in to lexicon file resources/lang/LANG_KEY/email_template_variables.php

The procedure of adding new common variable

  1. Open file config/email_template_lite.php and add variable in section variables - common, example:
'variables' => [
    'common' => [
        'site_name' => \App\CustomEmailTemplateVariableSiteName::class,
  1. Create class \App\CustomEmailTemplateVariableSiteName

  2. The class must be an implementation of the interface ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\EmailTemplateVariableInterface

  3. The class must contain a public method toString(): ?string

Full example file


namespace App;

use ItDevgroup\LaravelEmailTemplateLite\EmailTemplateVariableInterface;

class CustomEmailTemplateVariableSiteName implements EmailTemplateVariableInterface
    public function toString(): ?string
        return 'site name';


For test need phpunit

vendor/bin/phpunit vendor/it-devgroup/laravel-email-template-lite