
Wrapper to perform API requests with limit and offset over a response series.

dev-master 2022-05-14 11:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 15:29:26 UTC


Maintenance Status CI Status codecov

What can the API caller do for me?

Many commercial APIs implement some kind of paging or result limits. But sometimes getting all available records from an API (restricted by query parameters) is necessary. That's were the API caller steps in.

Instead of doing multiple requests manually, the API caller does that. It supports APIs with limit and offset parameters as well as APIs with page tokens. In order to keep the usage flexible, the API caller leaves the actual API usage to the developer. It only strips away the repeating logic of performing API requests in a loop till the required results are gathered.

How to install this package?

The package can be installed via Composer:

composer require it-bens/api-caller

It requires at least PHP 8. It was tests against PHP 8.1 as well.

What does the usage look like?

First, you have to determine if the API you would like to call uses limit and offset or page tokens. In both cases a specific API caller implementing the ApiCallerInterface has to be created.

An array of parameters required for the actual request can be passed to the wrapper request method.

API with limit and offset

use ITB\ApiCaller\WithLimitOffset\ApiCallerInterface;
use ITB\ApiCaller\WithLimitOffset\ApiCallerResponse;

class SpecificApiCaller implements ApiCallerInterface
    private const MAX_RESULTS_PER_REQUEST = 10;

    public function __construct() {}

    public function doRequest(int $limit, int $offset, array $parameters): ApiCallerResponse
        $items = doSomeApiCall([
            'limit' => $limit,
            'offset' => $offset,
            'greeting1' => $parameters['greeting1'],
            'greeting2' => $parameters['greeting2']
        return new ApiCallerResponse($items);

     * @return int
    public function getResultsPerRequest(): int
        return self::MAX_RESULTS_PER_REQUEST;

The API caller is used with the ApiCallerWrapper. It's a trait with only one method.

use ITB\ApiCaller\WithLimitOffset\ApiCallerWrapper;

class SomeService
    use ApiCallerWrapper;

    public function someMethode()
        $apiCaller = new SpecificApiCaller('This is the way!', 1337);
        $items = $this->request($apiCaller, null, 10, ['greeting1' => 'Ahoi', 'greeting2' => 'Hi']);
        // OR:
        $items = $this->request($apiCaller, 100, 10, ['greeting1' => 'Ahoi', 'greeting2' => 'Hi']);
        // ...

API with page tokens

The ApiCallerInterface for APIs with page tokens requires two methods implementing API calls. A method for an initial request, which passes a limit and an offset to the actual API (used for generating the pages) and a method to handle the requests with page tokens.

use ITB\ApiCaller\WithPageToken\ApiCallerInterface;
use ITB\ApiCaller\WithPageToken\ApiCallerResponse;

class AnotherSpecificApiCaller implements ApiCallerInterface
    private const MAX_RESULTS_PER_REQUEST = 10;

    public function __construct() {}

    public function doFollowUpRequest(string $pageToken, array $parameters): ApiCallerResponse
        $response = doSomeApiCall([
            'pageToken' => $pageToken,
            'greeting1' => $parameters['greeting1'],
            'greeting2' => $parameters['greeting2']

        return new ApiCallerResponse($response['items'], $response['nextPageToken']);

    public function doInitialRequest(?int $limit, int $offset, array $parameters): ApiCallerResponse
        $limit = (null === $limit || $limit > self::MAX_RESULTS_PER_REQUEST) ? self::MAX_RESULTS_PER_REQUEST : $limit;

        $response = doSomeApiCall([
            'limit' => $limit,
            'offset' => $offset,
            'greeting1' => $parameters['greeting1'],
            'greeting2' => $parameters['greeting2']

        return new ApiCallerResponse($response['items'], $response['nextPageToken']);
    // ...

The API caller is used like the one for APIs with limit and offset.

use ITB\ApiCaller\WithPageToken\ApiCallerWrapper;

class SomeService
    use ApiCallerWrapper;

    public function someMethode()
        $apiCaller = new AnotherSpecificApiCaller('This is the way!', 1337);
        $items = $this->request($apiCaller, null, 10, ['greeting1' => 'Ahoi', 'greeting2' => 'Hi']);
        // OR:
        $items = $this->request($apiCaller, 100, 10, ['greeting1' => 'Ahoi', 'greeting2' => 'Hi']);
        // ...

How to test the package?

The package provides PHPUnit tests. In a local environment the tests and static code analysis can be executed via docker.

./ docker-build
docker-compose run --rm -T phpunit php vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml tests
docker-compose run --rm -T phpunit php -d memory_limit=2G vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src tests --level 8

The PHPUnit tests and a static code analysis via PHPStan are also executed via GitHub actions on any push or PR. The GitHub Actions CI runs with all supported PHP versions and all supported Symfony versions.


I am really happy that the software developer community loves Open Source, like I do! ♥

That's why I appreciate every issue that is opened (preferably constructive) and every pull request that provides other or even better code to this package.

You are all breathtaking!