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Hatchery API client for PHP

5.0.4 2018-03-21 16:31 UTC


This is the API client for API. Use this to simplify the use of the API in PHP.


The API requires an consumer and private key which can be requested at


    include '../src/Hatchery/Autoloader.php';
    $authentication = new Hatchery\Authentication\KeyPairAuthentication('consumer_key', 'private_key');
    $client  = new Hatchery\Client('api_url', $authentication);
    //create a new job, this class will contain all inputs and outputs
    $job = new Hatchery\Builder\Job();
    //create a new input, this class has to contain a valid URL and can be used to create outputs
    $input = new Hatchery\Builder\Input(new Hatchery\Builder\Url\Url(''));
    //create a new output, which links to a specific input and requires an output URL
    //this class also opens up some methods to manipulate your output
    $output = new Hatchery\Builder\Output($input, new Hatchery\Builder\Url\Url(''));
    //use the name of own of your presets, or use on of the default video-transcoder presets
    //example of a number option, use the value objects to initiate
    $output->setOutputLength(new Hatchery\Builder\ValueObjects\Number(60));
    //example of creating stills
    $stills = new Hatchery\Builder\Stills(new Hatchery\Builder\Url\Url(''));
    $stills->setAmount(new Hatchery\Builder\ValueObjects\Number(5));

    //add stills task to a specific output
    //add in- and outputs to job

    //submit job
    $response = $client->submitJob($job);
    //retrieve polling location (containing job id)
    $location = $response->getLocation();