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Freshbook-php package

v1.0 2015-02-05 10:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 19:57:33 UTC


Freshbooks PHP Library (forked from:

Credit to Milan Rukavina ( for developing the original library at the above URL.


Please note that the library from which this is forked has not been updated or maintained since May 2011. It has A LOT of bugs. It works for some basic tasks well (sending invoices, triggering payments via a payment gateway) but there are lot of "basic" functions that are broken (grabbing invoice details by invoice #, updating invoices as sent, etc.)

This library is only for the brave of heart and for those interested in helping fix up an outdated Freshbooks PHP library.


To initialize the library, include an initiation block like below.

// Include particular file(s) for entity you need (Client, Invoice, Category…)
include_once "library/FreshBooks/Client.php";

// Your API url and token obtained from
$url = "your-url-please-replace";
$token = "your-token-please-replace";

// Cnit singleton FreshBooks_HttpClient

Get Client Data

// New Client object
$client = new FreshBooks_Client();

// Try to get client with client_id 3
if (!$client->get(3)){
    // No data – read error
    echo $client->lastError;
else {
    // Investigate populated data

New Client

// new Client object
$client = new FreshBooks_Client();

//populate client’s properties
$client->email = ‘’;
$client->firstName = ‘Chad’;
$client->lastName = ‘Smith’;
//all other required properties should be populated

//try to create new client with provided data on FB server
    //read error
    echo $client->lastError;
else {
    //investigate populated data

Lookup Invoice By InvoiceID #00000324301

$invoice = new Freshbooks_Invoice();

	or die("Unable to get Invoice: " . $invoice->lastError);


Lookup Invoice(s) for Client #17992

$invoice = new Freshbooks_Invoice();

$invoice->listing($rows, $resultInfo, 1, 3, array('clientId' => 17992,
				                              'status' => '',
						                      'dateTo' => '',
						                      'dateFrom' => '',
						                      'recurringId' => ''))
	or die("Unable to grab Invoice listing: " . $invoice->lastError);

if ($invoice) {

Mark Invoice As Paid

$payment = new Freshbooks_Payment();

$payment->invoiceId = '00000324300';

// To mark payment as 'PAID', this amount must be the full amount outstanding on the invoice
$payment->amount    = '2.44';

$payment->type      = 'Bank Transfer';

	or die("Unable to mark Invoice as paid: " . $payment->lastError);
// Note: this will automatically send the client a payment notification e-mail
// letting them know that their invoice has been paid.