
PHP request route

1.0.1 2017-11-21 18:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 01:46:41 UTC


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To install with composer:

composer require isholao/router

Requires PHP 7.1 or newer.


Here's a basic usage example:


require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

$c = \Isholao\Router\RouteCollection();
$c->disptach('GET','/login'); //return Route instance or null

Defining routes

$c = \Isholao\Router\RouteCollection();
$c->mapOne('GET', '/login', 'defined_responder');
$c->mapOne('GET', '/{lang=(?:en|de)}/login', 'defined_responder');
$c->mapMany('GET|POST', '/login, 'defined_responder');

You can also make an optional path segment by add a ? after the defined segement.

$c = \Isholao\Router\RouteCollection();
$c->mapOne('GET', '/something/{hash=[a-zA-Z]+}?', 'defined_responder');
$c->mapMany('GET|POST', '/login, 'defined_responder');

You can set a default value for a segment because each defined route returns a \Router\Route instance. Note this can only be done on mapOne method or any of the helper functions get(), post(), head(), delete(), option(), put()

$c = \Isholao\Router\RouteCollection();
$c->mapOne('GET', '/something/{hash=[a-zA-Z]+}', 'defined_responder')->setParam('hash','asd8asdasd9');
$c->delete('/something/{hash=[a-zA-Z]+}', 'defined_responder')->setParam('hash','asd8asdasd9');

Route Groups

Additionally, you can specify routes inside of a group. All routes defined inside a group will have a common prefix.

For example, defining your routes as:

$c = \Isholao\Router\RouteCollection();
$c->groupRoutes('/admin', function (\Isholao\Router\RouteCollectionInterface $r) {
    $r->mapOne('GET', '/do-something', 'handler'); // this becomes `/admin/do-something`
    $r->post('/do-something-else', function(){}); //  // this becomes `/admin/do-another-thing`

Dispatching a URI

A URI is dispatched by calling the dispatch() method of the created \Isholao\Router\RouteCollection object. This method accepts the HTTP method and a URI.

$c = \Isholao\Router\RouteCollection();
$c->groupRoutes('/admin', function (\Isholao\Router\RouteCollectionInterface $r) {
    $r->mapOne('GET', '/do-something', 'handler'); // this becomes `/admin/do-something`
    $r->post('/do-something-else', function(){}); //  // this becomes `/admin/do-another-thing`

$c->dispatch('GET','/admin/do-something'); // return a \Isholao\Router\Route instance or null