
TCP Socket for Laravel 5

dev-master 2018-04-13 18:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-22 09:03:43 UTC



For install this package Edit your project's composer.json file to require isathais1/tcp-socket

"require": {
    "isathais1/tcp-socket": "dev-master"

Now, update Composer:

composer update

Once composer is finished, you need to add the service provider. Open config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


Next, add a Facade for more convenient usage. In config/app.php add the following line to the aliases array:

'Socket' => 'isathais1\Socket\Facades\Socket',

Publish config files:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="isathais1\Socket\SocketServiceProvider"

for change username, password and other configuration change config/tcp-socket.php


###Configuration Open config/tcp-socket.php

Enter Server Ip Address and Port
You can change server protocol between SOL_TCP and SOL_UDP

Connect To Server


Socket::connect(null, $port);
Socket::connect($ip, $port);

Disconnect from Server


Send Message

Socket::sendMessage('test message'); //send message to connected server
Socket::sendMessageTo('test message', 'server ip', server port) // send message to a socket

Read Message

$response = Socket::readMessage(); //Read message with 2048 byte buffer


$response = Socket::readMessage($length)//Read message with custom byte buffer;

$response = Socket::readMessage($length,$type)//Read message with custom byte buffer and custom type(PHP_NORMAL_READ or PHP_BINARY_READ);