
Server side DataTables library for CodeIgniter4 framework

3.0.0 2022-05-10 08:12 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-12 14:32:58 UTC


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Library that will speed up you to create serverside DataTables API using the CodeIgniter v4 framework.

return datatables('users')->make();

// With Codeigniter4 Query Builder
$query = db_connect()->table('table');
return datatables($query)->make();



Composer Installation

Installation is best done via Composer, you may use the following command:

composer require irsyadulibad/codeigniter4-datatables

This will add the latest release of codeigniter4-datatables as a module to your project

Manual Installation

Should you choose not to use Composer to install, you can download this repo, extract and rename this folder to codeigniter4-datatables. Then enable it by editing app/Config/Autoload.php and adding the Irsyadulibad\DataTables namespace to the $psr4 array. For example, if you copied it into app/Libraries:

    $psr4 = [
        'Config'      => APPPATH . 'Config',
        'App'         => APPPATH,
        'Irsyadulibad\DataTables'   => APPPATH .'Libraries/codeigniter4-datatables/src',


make sure you match the documentation version with the library version you're using

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