
CMS content migration module.





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dev-main 2024-04-12 19:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 21:44:59 UTC


This module simplifies management of CMS content during development and release. It allows to define CMS blocks, pages and media assets as a part of a module and deploy it on bin/magento setup:upgrade or import with bin/magento setup:cms:import command.

The module also allows export of CMS blocks and pages with used media assets in a format that can be used later for import.

Content Export

The export is implemented as an action in Content > Elements > Pages and Content > Elements > Blocks grids in Admin Panel. To export all pages or blocks select Export action from Actions dropdown menu of the grid. To export particular pages or blocks select them with a checkbox in the first column of the grid then select Export action from the dropdown.

Exported content will be packed into ZIP archive that may contain following directories:

  • blocks
  • pages
  • media

Blocks and pages will contain HTML files with special header. One file per page or block. Media folder will contain media assets used in the blocks and the pages. If CMS blocks are injected into exported pages with widgets they will be also added to the archive. This content can be deployed to other environments.

Content Update Strategies

Since the module updates an environment that can be shared between many users there's a risk that it may overwrite something that it should not. The content update strategies were implemented to deal with it.

This module introduces Allow Overwrite attribute to CMS blocks & pages. It's set to Yes on initial content import, and it set to No on block or page saving in Admin Panel. The strategies define what to do if a block or a page from the content archive already exists in database, and it does not allow overwriting.

There are three content update strategies:

  • Error is a default strategy. It throws error and stops import.
  • Skip strategy omits CMS blocks or pages that's not allowed to update.
  • Force strategy overwrites any block and any page.

The default strategy can be defined in the configuration with:

bin/magento config:set dev/irs_cmssetup/update_strategy <error|skip|force>

command or in Admin Panel > Stores > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > CMS Setup > Content Update Strategy options. This option is available in Admin Panel only in developer mode.

It's supposed that Force strategy will be used on staging environments when data modifications in Admin Panel are not expected. Skip and Error strategies can be used on environments where a client may modify CMS content. Environment-wide strategy can be defined in app/etc/env.php with following command:

bin/magento config:set --lock-env dev/irs_cmssetup/update_strategy <error|skip|force>

Content Import

Created content archive can be imported into the environment with bin/magento setup:cms:import command. It accepts content archive or content directory as an argument. By default, the command reports only on errors. To see information about execution progress, -vv or -vvv verbosity level options can be used.

The import command supports few options that allow override current content deployment strategy:

  • --force forces update of all blocks & pages that cannot be updated due to selected content update strategy.
  • --skip skips all blocks & pages that cannot be updated due to selected strategy without an error.
  • --dry-run executes an update without environment modifications.

Content Deployment

The module supports deployment of CMS content with Irs\CmsSetup\Setup\ContentUpdatePatch. This patch should be extended in some module that contains content that to be deployed. Minimal structure of the module should be following:


Foo\Bar\Setup\Patch\Data\ContentUpdateV1 data patch should extend Irs\CmsSetup\Setup\ContentUpdatePatch. Name of the patch can be arbitrary. It will deploy CMS blocks, pages and media content from content/ directory. blocks/ and pages/ should contain files with CMS blocks and pages correspondingly. The format of the files is described in details in Cookbook chapter. Also blocks and pages in this format can be exported as it was described in Content Export chapter. Files from media/ directory of the module will be copied to pub/media/ directory of project maintaining directory structure.

The content update patch can override default strategy with strategy property.

class ContentUpdateV1 extends ContentUpdatePatch
    protected UpdateStrategy $strategy = UpdateStrategy::Skip;


How to Deploy CMS Block?

Put block file into content/blocks directory of a module:

id: promo-block-drills-drivers
title: Promo Block - Category - Drills Drivers
<h3>Everyday low prices on quality brands</h3>
    Browse our huge range of handheld power drills, cordless drills and drill drivers from big name 
    brands like <a href="/brand/makita">Makita</a>, <a href="/brand/stanley-fatmax">Stanley FatMax</a>, 
    <a href="/brand/dewalt">DeWalt</a>, <a href="/brands/bosch">Bosch</a>, 
    <a href="/brand/rockwell">Rockwell</a> and more. Don’t get caught out without a cordless drill -
    our everyday low prices mean bigger savings on the best products for your projects.

The file name and extension can be arbitrary, but it makes sense to use html extension to allow syntax highlighting. The block file consists of two parts: headers and a body. The parts are divided with a line that contains only ---- characters. Each header consists of a name and value divided with : character. Header names are case-insensitive. Leading and trailing characters are removed from header names and values. Thus, following header is equal to the previous file:

ID    : promo-block-drills-drivers
Title : Promo Block - Category - Drills Drivers

Then create data patch in the module that inherits abstract class Irs\CmsSetup\Setup\ContentUpdatePatch:

namespace Foo\Bar\Setup\Patch\Data;

class UpdateContentV1 extends \Irs\CmsSetup\Setup\ContentUpdatePatch

Run bin/magento setup:upgrade. If you need to re-deploy blocks after modifications files in content/blocks directory you need to rename the data patch to some new name, for example UpdateContentV2 and run bin/magento setup:upgrade again.

Blocks in content/blocks directory can be organized in arbitrary subdirectories of any level of nesting.

How to Deploy Disabled CMS block?

There is optional header active with two possible values: yes and no. Header's name and value are case-insensitive. It's set to yes by default.

Id:     promo-block-drills-drivers
Title:  Promo Block - Category - Drills Drivers
Active: No
<h3>Everyday low prices on quality brands</h3>

How to Deploy CMS Block to Particular Store?

By default, blocks are added for all store views. It can be enabled only for particular stores with stores header. This header contains comma separated list of store codes:

id:     promo-block-drills-drivers
TITLE:  Promo Block - Category - Drills Drivers
Stores: default, eu_store, au_store
<h3>Everyday low prices on quality brands</h3>

Since we can have few blocks with the same identifier a block for update is selected taking stores into account. Following algorithm is used:

  1. Select all blocks with given identifier.
  2. Find a block among them with the same set of stores.
  3. If no such block has found then create new one.

It can lead to problem when you try to modify stores of already created block. For example, you have created following block in the database with content/blocks/Drills Drivers.html file.

Id:     promo-block-drills-drivers
Title:  Promo Block - Category - Drills Drivers
Stores: eu_store, au_store
<h3>Everyday low prices on quality brands</h3>

Then you're removing eu_store from the file to allow this block for au_store only:

Id:     promo-block-drills-drivers
Title:  Promo Block - Category - Drills Drivers
Stores: au_store
<h3>Everyday low prices on quality brands</h3>

and run bin/magento setup:upgrade. At this point you will receive an error because it will try to create new block with identifier promo-block-drills-drivers allowed in au_store but there is already a block with the same identifier in eu_store and au_store stores.

To resolve this problem you need to remove the block with data patch first:

namespace Foo\Bar\Setup\Patch\Data;

class UpdateMediaV3 extends \Irs\CmsSetup\Setup\ContentUpdatePatch
    public function apply()
        $this->deleteBlock('promo-block-drills-drivers', ['eu_store', 'au_store']);

How to Deploy Two CMS Blocks with the Same Identifier in Different Stores?

Create to files with different names, for example:

  1. content/blocks/Drills Drivers (Europe).html
  2. content/blocks/Drills Drivers (Australia).html

Both files should have the same id header but different store codes in stores header:

Id:     promo-block-drills-drivers
Title:  Promo Block - Category - Drills Drivers - Australia
Stores: au_store
<h3>Everyday low prices on quality brands</h3>
Id:     promo-block-drills-drivers
Title:  Promo Block - Category - Drills Drivers - Europe
Stores: eu_store
<h3>Everyday low prices on quality brands</h3>

How to Deploy CMS Pages?

CMS pages are deployed the way similar to CMS blocks. You need to add page files into content/pages directory. Create data patch the inherits Irs\CmsSetup\Setup\ContentUpdatePatch and run bin/magento setup:upgrade. The same data patch can deploy CMS blocks and pages in the same time.

Page files have the same format as block files.

id: 2017-calendar
title: 2017 CALENDAR
stores: gb_store
layout: 1column
content heading: 2017 CALENDAR
<div data-content-type="row" ...

Its support the same headers and few additional specific to CMS pages:

  • Content Heading
  • Layout
  • Meta Title
  • Meta Keywords
  • Meta Description

The same rules of loading and creation are applied to them. Already existing page can be deleted with following code:

namespace Foo\Bar\Setup\Patch\Data;

class UpdateMediaV4 extends \Irs\CmsSetup\Setup\ContentUpdatePatch
    public function apply()
        $this->deletePage('2017-calendar', ['gb_store']);