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ExtendedPaginator plugin for CakePHP

dev-master 2017-06-08 13:45 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 17:26:37 UTC


Simple plugin to extend CakePHP 3 Paginator Component, with customized and additionnals queryParams.


You can install this plugin into your CakePHP application using composer.

The recommended way to install composer packages is:

composer require irongomme/ExtendedPaginator

Then load it in your app:

./bin/cake plugin load ExtendedPaginator

And configure it in your controller:

public function initialize()

    $this->loadComponent('Paginator', [
        'className' => 'ExtendedPaginator.ExtendedPaginator'

available options

Fields choice for paginated model

  • queryParam = fields
  • values = comma separated fields

Ex: http://myapp/articles?limit=100&fields=title,content

Will output:

    results: [
            id: 1,
            title: "Lorem Ipsum",
            content: "Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum ..."

Unique sorting and multiple sorting with single queryParam

  • queryParam = sort
  • values = comma separated fields, prefix with - for desc

Ex: http://myapp/articles?limit=100&sort=title,-author_id

Will sort by title ascending, then by author_id descending.

Contain associated models

  • queryParam = contain
  • values = comma separated models, with optionnal fields selection in it, by collapsing [field1,field2,...] to model name

Ex: http://myapp/articles?limit=100&contain=authors[firstname,lastname] Ex: http://myapp/articles?limit=100&contain=authors,category[name]

If no fields are specified, all fields will be shown.