
PHP package to send custom emails with WordPress.

1.0.0 2020-04-14 15:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-15 01:14:21 UTC


WP Mail Helper is a package to help WordPress developers to send custom emails.

Getting Started

Minimum requirements and dependencies

WP Mail Helper requires:

  • PHP 7+
  • WordPress - latest
  • Composer to be installed


Install via composer

composer require ionvv/wp-mail-helper


Basic usage

$email_controller = new \WpMailHelper\Email();
    'recipient@domain.tld', // $to
    'sender@domain.tld',    // $from
    'Email subject',        // $subject
    'Email content'         // $message

Advanced usage

    'recipient@domain.tld', // $to
    'sender@domain.tld',    // $from
    'Email subject',        // $subject
    'Email content',        // $message
    'template',             // $message_type
    [],                     // $headers
    'john.doe@domain.tld',  // $cc
    'john.doe@domain.tld',  // $bcc
    [WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/uploads/']

Use a post as email content

$email_controller = new \WpMailHelper\Email();
    'recipient@domain.tld', // $to
    'sender@domain.tld',    // $from
    'Email subject',        // $subject
    '$post->ID',            // $message
    'post'                  // $message_type

Use a custom template as email content

$email_controller = new \WpMailHelper\Email();
    'recipient@domain.tld',                               // $to
    'sender@domain.tld',                                  // $from
    'Email subject',                                      // $subject
    get_stylesheet_directory() . '/emails/template.html', // $message
    'template'                                            // $message_type

Use custom variables in email content

Sometimes you'll have to replace some variables programatically in your emails. You can use the 'shortcodes' in the email subject and content. Check the following example to see how you can use them:

$email_subject = 'Welcome to our website, {{FIRST_NAME}}';
$email_content = 'Dear {{FIRST_NAME}}, thanks for joining our website. You have been registered with the following email address: {{EMAIL_ADDRESS}}';

$email_controller = new \WpMailHelper\Email();
        'FIRST_NAME' => 'Ion',
        'EMAIL_ADDRESS' => 'ion@domain.tld'
        'FIRST_NAME' => 'Ion'
    'ion@domain.tld',       // $to
    'sender@domain.tld',    // $from
    $email_subject,         // $subject
    $email_content          // $message

User will receive an email with the following subject:

Welcome to our website, Ion

and the content:

Dear Ion, thanks for joining our website. You have been registered with the following email address: ion@domain.tld



  • Initial release


WP Mail Helper code is licensed under MIT license.