
Beautify your HTML

v1.0.1 2020-05-18 09:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-18 17:49:47 UTC


Spress 2 ready

Beautify your Spress HTML output

Inspired by spress-html-compress

How do I install it?

Go to your Spress site and add the following to your composer.json and run composer update:

"require": {
    "ionutiorgulescu/spress-html-beautifier": "1.0.*"

How do I use it?

Add the following to your config.yml to exclude some files from minify/compress process:

html_beautifier_excluded: ['.htaccess', 'CNAME', 'robots.txt', 'crossdomain.xml', 'sitemap.xml', 'rss.xml']

And run the build command:

spress site:build