
Everything Microservices, APIs, Cloud, and Headless for Magento 2.

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dev-develop 2022-12-09 03:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 08:33:41 UTC



A starter project for beginning module development in Magento 2. Also a template for future Magento 2 projects.

Setting up the default files required by Magento 2 when building a custom module decreases development time and maintains consistency across projects.


Getting Started

Instructions on how to download, install, and configure the module.


Known Issues

  • Link to any Github issues, or list issues w/ Magento 2 compatibility or Extension compatibility

Related Projects / Tickets / Stories

If you use your module internally, try to add links to related documentation covered in projects or tickets.

  • #00000 - Task Title goes here
  • #00001 - Task Title goes here
  • #00002 - Task Title goes here
  • #00003 - Task Title goes here
  • #00004 - Task Title goes here
  • #00005 - Task Title goes here


Includes a series of step-by-step examples for installation and configuration.

$ composer require iods/module-bones
$ bin/magento module:enable Iods_Bones
$ bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ bin/magento cache:flush 


Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system

Built With

Magento 2


Explain how you made you module. Did you make use of Plugins or Observers? Where is the entry point of the module.


Explain how to extend your module.

Give an example


Give an overview of the given configurations.

Section Group Field Description
web default cms_home_page Select the CMS Home Page
web default cms_no_route Select the 404 Page
web default cms_no_cookies Select the No Cookies Page



How does it work? What components in the module exist. What is different. Link to devdocs.

Finishing w/ an example of system information of demo of the module for your team.


Includes a series of step-by-step examples for extending the module and code snippets of the extension points.


A list of events dispatched by the module.


Does it introduce layouts or layout handles?

UI Components

Does the module introduce any UI components or the configuration files, where are they?

Public API

Does the module introduce any public API? what services are introduced?

  * Create an Invoice
  * Change status and state

Packagist Setting


Includes a series of step-by-step examples for testing the module.

Code Styles

Includes any relevant code style information or documentation.


Overview of the admin/configuration settings within the module.

group field description
web default example
web default example
admin default example


If you have any issues with this project, open an issue on Github


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


For transparency into the release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, this project is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.


This project/code is released under the MIT license.


(c) 2022 Rye Miller. All Rights Reserved.