
CLI wrapper for the composer/semver package

v1.4.2 2024-07-12 12:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 21:44:34 UTC


A CLI wrapper around the composer/semver package. Command namespaces are added for representing most methods of the Composer\Semver\Comparator, Composer\Semver\Semver and Composer\Semver\VersionParser classes.


Add the package as a requirement to your project:

$ composer require iodigital-com/composer-semver-cli

This will install the composer-semver script to the vendor/bin folder of the project.

Or as a global requirement:

$ composer global require iodigital-com/composer-semver-cli

This will install the composer-semver script to the $HOME/.composer/vendor/bin folder.


The following commands are provided:

  • comparator:qt: indicates whether version1 is greater than version2 according to Composer SemVer
  • comparator:gte: indicates whether version1 is greater than or equal to version2 according to Composer SemVer
  • comparator:lt: indicates whether version1 is less than version2 according to Composer SemVer
  • comparator:lte: indicates whether version1 is less than or equal to version2 according to Composer SemVer
  • comparator:eq: indicates whether version1 is equal to version2 according to Composer SemVer
  • comparator:neq: indicates whether version1 is not equal to version2 according to Composer SemVer
  • semver:satisfies: check if a Composer SemVer constraint satisfies a version
  • semver:satisfied-by: list which of the supplied versions are satisfied by a Composer SemVer constraint
  • semver:sort: sort versions according to Composer SemVer
  • semver:rsort: reverse sort versions according to Composer SemVer
  • version-parser:parse-stability: return stability of the supplied version


Check whether a version is greater than another version:

$ composer-semver -v comparator:gt '1.25.0-alpha1' 'v1.24.0-p1'
version '1.25.0-alpha1' is greater than version 'v1.24.0-p1' according to Composer SemVer

Sort versions:

$ composer-semver semver:sort '1.25.0' 'v1.25.0-p2' '1.25.0-rc3' 'v1.25-dev'

Check if a version is satisfied by a Composer SemVer constraint:

$ composer-semver semver:satisfies -v '^1.25.0-p1' 'v1.25-p2'
Composer SemVer constraint '^1.25.0-p1' satisfies version 'v1.25-p2'

Check which versions are satisfied by a Composer SemVer constraint:

$ composer-semver semver:satisfied-by '^1.25.0-p1' '1.25.0' 'v1.25.0-p2' '1.25.0-rc3' 'v1.25-dev'

Return stability of a version:

$ composer-semver version-parser:parse-stability '1.25.0-rc3'


This tool allows for Composer SemVer calculations where using the Composer tool itself would be impractical.

For instance, to prepare for a PHP upgrade, it is nice to know upfront if the new version introduces any incompatibilities with the require.php property of the packages in the vendor folder. This can be done using the check-platform-reqs Composer command; however, this the Composer command is actually run in the context of the new PHP version. When this is not possible, the following command can be used to generate a list of packages that are incompatible with a specific PHP version (in this case 8.3.0):

$ for f in vendor/*/*/composer.json ; do if jq -e '.require.php' $f > /dev/null && ! composer-semver semver:satisfies "$(jq -r '.require.php' $f)" '8.3.0' ; then echo $f ; fi ; done

Note that this makes use of the jq command.

As another application, you might want to check how Composer sees the git tags of your application. For instance, you can sort them according to Composer SemVer:

$ composer-semver semver:sort $(git tag -l)

Or check which tags satisfy a Composer SemVer constraint:

$ composer-semver semver:satisfied-by "^1.2" $(git tag -l)

Or you might want to know how many stable versions have been released:

$ for VERSION in $(git tag -l) ; do composer-semver version-parser:parse-stability ${VERSION} ; done | grep -c "stable"