
Tool for manage and run Talend job

v1.0.0 2022-04-10 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 18:38:17 UTC


A tool for manage Talend job (zip format) for your application.

Minimum PHP Version Talend Version


You can install this lib in your PHP project using composer:

composer require inzh/talend-job-manager

Build your job

On first, you need to build your job with Talend, tested with Talend Open Studio.

Just right click on your job and select in menu:

Menu image example

File output example:


You can use directly executor class in your code, for example:

  • For add or update job in repository
use inzh\talend\job\manager\executor\SimpleJobExecutor;

$path = ""; // Your job zip file 
$repositoryPath = "jobs"; // Your repository path

SimpleJobExecutor::put($path, $repositoryPath);
  • To run the latest version of job :
use inzh\talend\job\manager\executor\SimpleJobExecutor;

$jobName = "myjobname"; // Your job name
$repositoryPath = "jobs"; // Your repository path
$parameters = ["contextparam1" => "value1", "contextparam2" => "value2"]; // Context parameters passed to job

$output = SimpleJobExecutor::execute($jobName, $parameters, $repositoryPath);
  • To run the specific version of job :
use inzh\talend\job\manager\executor\SimpleJobExecutor;

$jobName = "myjobname"; // Your job name
$repositoryPath = "jobs"; // Your repository path
$parameters = ["contextparam1" => "value1", "contextparam2" => "value2"]; // Context parameters passed to job
$version = 0.1;

$output = SimpleJobExecutor::execute($jobName, $parameters, $repositoryPath, $version);

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