
Pacote criado para publicação e subscrição de tópicos da gcp

v0.0.2 2023-12-21 15:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 13:12:31 UTC


This library offers a way to use the subscription of GCP pubsub as broadcast using the google/cloud-pubsub library.

A fully-managed real-time messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages between independent applications.


To begin, install the preferred dependency manager for PHP, Composer.

Now to install just this library:

$ composer require intreguei/gcp-pubsub


This library use the Google Cloud PHP authentication. See the Authentication guide for more information on authenticating your client. Once authenticated, you'll be ready to start making requests.


Publish message on topic:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Intreguei\GcpPubsub\PubSub;

$callback = function ($message) {
    //method to use message from topic

PubSub::listenSubscription('your_topic_name', $callback);

Listen to subscription:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Intreguei\GcpPubsub\PubSub;

$dataToPublish = [
    'key_1' => 'data_1',
    'key_2' => 'data_2',

PubSub::publishMessage('your_topic_name', $dataToPublish); 



  1. Google CLoud official documentation.
  2. Take a look at Google Cloud in-depth usage samples.


Clezer Aragon & Leandro Lazari