
Telegram Simple PHP Bot - A different and simple approach to use Telegram Bot Plataform (No SSL or setWebhook needed)

1.1 2016-05-07 02:12 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-28 22:26:08 UTC


Telegram Simple PHP Bot - A different and simple approach to use Telegram Bot Plataform (No SSL or setWebhook needed)



System requiriments & dependencies

$ sudo apt-get update & apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install curl git php5-curl php5-cli
$ curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

Now download the package (Composer automatically install all dependencies)
$ git clone && cd telegram-simple_phpbot
$ composer install -o

To check for update..
$ git pull && composer update


TL;DR: The sample.php file will check every 5s if someone is mentioning the bot @username or talking him in pvt. It process and reply based on his message w/ some custom triggers.

Steps to setup your bot

  1. Open Telegram, talk w/ the, setup a new Telegram Bot and take a note of your BotID:Botkey, something like: 234015785:AAEsvIjg0AcWOINXR0Xt-TGLamuz9k8f10Y
  2. Create a copy of configuration file sample cp config.ini.sample config.ini
  3. Edit config.ini and set your botkey
  4. Search on Telegram for your @username_bot and start a conversation..
  5. Now run php sample.php, it shows your chatID. Set debug_chatid on config.ini. All bot activity will be forwarded to this conversation, for debbugin purpose.
  6. Change the trigger to your username_bot or something you want to trigger your bot replies on groups.
  7. To check if someone is talking w/ your bot every 5 seconds use my bash daemon sample ./ &, or watch -n5 php sample.php or setup a cronjob
  8. Now put him on a group..
  9. Test if your bot is replying when you mention his trigger, ask him about day of week, say him some of $bads, customize reply_get() function.


Manually check (botid/botkey/chatid)

Browse to your bot URL:<botid>:<botkey>/sendmessage?chat_id=<chatid>&text=hello%20world! in my sample!, if the bot says Hello World! to you, its ok. PS: group chats use negative chatIDs, -<chatid>

If you prefer not to use daemons (SSL Webserver) With a SSL webserver serving your sample.php, simply setup your hook URL by browsing:<botid>:<botkey>/setWebhook?url=http://yourwebserver/sample.php
..and Telegram server will load this URL every time the bot receive a msg.

That's all,
Script this 4 your needs and respect the CC license, thanks!