
A Laravel package to browse models and show them in a table, autocmplete, etc.

v0.6.4 2025-03-14 12:01 UTC


A Laravel package to browse models and show them in cards, tables, etc.

Branch Status Code Coverage
Main tests coverage
Staging tests coverage
Dev tests coverage


  1. Install the package via Composer:

    # First time installation
    composer require internetguru/laravel-model-browser
    # For updating the package
    composer update internetguru/laravel-model-browser
  2. Optionally publish the views and translations:

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=views --provider="Internetguru\ModelBrowser\ModelBrowserServiceProvider"
    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=translations --provider="Internetguru\ModelBrowser\ModelBrowserServiceProvider"
    # If you want to publish everything, you can use the `--provider` option:
    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Internetguru\ModelBrowser\ModelBrowserServiceProvider"

Run Tests Locally

In Visual Studio Code you can simpy use Ctrl+Shift+B to run the tests.

To run the tests manually, you can use the following commands:

# Build the Docker image
docker build -t laravel-model-browser-test .
# Run the tests
docker run --rm laravel-model-browser-test
# Both steps combined
docker build -t laravel-model-browser-test . && docker run --rm laravel-model-browser-test

Basic Usage

  1. Show the model browser in your views:

    <!-- Show the model browser in base view (cards) -->
    <livewire:base-model-browser model="App\Models\User" />
    <!-- Show the model browser in a table -->
    <livewire:table-model-browser model="App\Models\User" />

Advanced Options

When using the TableModelBrowser component, you can customize its behavior by passing additional parameters.

Here are the advanced options you can use:

  1. model: The model class to be used for browsing. Optionally, you can specify a method to be called on the model.

    // or
  2. filterAttributes: An array of attributes that can be used to filter the data.

    :filterAttributes="['created_at', 'name', 'email', 'last_login', 'last_activity', 'is_active']"
  3. viewAttributes: An array of attributes that will be displayed in the table, with their corresponding translations used as labels.

        'created_at' => __('summary.created_at'),
        'name' => __(''),
        'email' => __(''),
        'last_login' => __('summary.last_login'),
        'last_activity' => __('summary.last_activity'),
        'is_active' => __('summary.is_active'),
  4. formats: An array of formatting functions for the attributes. You can specify a single function name or an array with up and down keys.

        'created_at' =>  [
            'up' => 'formatDateTime',
            'down' => 'globalFormatDown',
        'name' => 'formatUserDetailLink',
        'email' => 'formatEmailLink',
        'last_login' =>  [
            'up' => 'formatDateTime',
            'down' => 'globalFormatDown',
        'last_activity' =>  [
            'up' => 'formatDateTime',
            'down' => 'globalFormatDown',
        'is_active' => [
            'up' => 'formatBoolean',
            'down' => 'formatBooleanDown',
  5. alignments: An array of alignment settings for the attributes. You can specify start, end, or center.

        'created_at' => 'start',
        'last_activity' => 'end',
        'is_active' => 'center',
  6. lightDarkStep: An integer value to control the light/dark step for table rows. It is used only for the table layout.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.