
Hides Youtube Iframes to load after user click.

Installs: 990

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 6

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v2.1.2 2020-07-20 08:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-21 05:05:43 UTC


TYPO3 GDPR Youtube Loader

This Extension creates a wrapper around Youtube Iframes, which are loaded only once the user has clicked on it. This intends to help comply to the GDPR Laws, which came into effect in May 2018. Since Version 2, this Extension adds a new Content Element, to make using youtube Iframes in your website easier.

Options and Customization

(Recommended) Set the PageUid of your Privacy Policy Page:


To unload the Default CSS, unset this TypoScript object:


To use your own Fluid Templates override these TypoScript Objects (CObject only)

Or these if using the HTML variant::
plugin.tx_gdpryoutube.view.templateRootPaths plugin.tx_gdpryoutube.view.partialRootPaths plugin.tx_gdpryoutube.view.layoutRootPaths plugin.tx_gdpryoutube.view.templateName

To disable refactoring the Iframes and render them as normal, set:

plugin.tx_gdpryoutube.settings.enableReplacement = 0

To customize the Message, that is shown you may either set a blank text:


Or split your message up into up to three parts, one of them being wrapped with the link tag to your Privacy Policy Page and a before and after plaintext part. You may leave any of these empty. Note, that the rawMessage will allways take precedence.:


To set a background image for the placeholder, add this attribute to your iframe (Pure HTML-Iframes only):

data-placeholder-bg="URL OF YOUR BACKGROUND IMAGE";

Folder structure

├── Classes         -> Controller to override Iframe rendering
├── Configuration   -> TypoScript Configuration
├── Resources
    ├── Private
        ├── Templates   -> Contains the Default Template
    ├── Public
        ├── Icons       -> Contains the placeholder Icons
        ├── Scripts     -> JavaScript to dynamically load the Iframes
        ├── Styles      -> Contains the Default styles