There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.2) of this package.

1.0.2 2018-03-24 17:22 UTC


Contains useful utility classes that are compatible with Zend Framework, or with doctrine that simplify our lifes as developer. We will try and document the most important things.

Injecting query sorting into criteria

A Mvc controller plugin injectSortingIntoCriteria that handles injecting sorting into a doctrine criteria object. The expected query string format is the following ?sorting=<field>:<direction> and having multiple sorting criteria just semi colon separate it.

Example ?sorting=name:asc,age:desc would add the following to the criteria ['name' => 'ASC', 'age' => 'desc']


A collection of custom validators that we have written


They are very very similar to the ones provided by DoctrineORMModule but they have an extra benefit they do not require the injection of a repository into your input filters or custom factories.

It's a simple factory that takes the argument entity_name that it uses to query the entity manager for it's repository.


Simply compares the provided datetime provided with the current timestamp


This validator applies the another validator to each time in the array provided by the validator.


A bit like the previous validator it applies a exists check to all the entities in the array


This is so that you can add collections that is optional Just add a option['inputFilterClass'] and point to your inputfilter, it will fetch it, and run isValid.