
Integration Eye™ Logging Probe

1.0.0 2020-08-10 19:22 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 17:02:06 UTC


This library is implementation of PSR-3 Logger Interface sending log messages and exceptions to Integration Eye instance.


This library is available in Packagist, so you can install it using Composer:

composer require integration-eye/logging-probe

For usage of this library, you need to provide implementation of Client interface. If you install symfony/http-client package, default implementation will be provided.

composer require symfony/http-client

For more information about custom Client implementation see Client.

Simple Usage

There is Logger::fromDsn($dsn) factory function for simple instantiation of Logger.

$logger = Logger::fromDsn('');

Logger implements PSR-3 Logger Interface so you can use is as follows:

$logger->debug('Trying out Integration Eye');

$logger->critical(new RuntimeException('Sometimes something goes wrong.'));

$logger->notice('It is shiny today', [
    'temperature' => '28',
    'date' => new DateTime(),

You can pass internal flags like @principal into context, and it will be used as metadata.

$logger->info('User just logged in.', [
    '@principal' => 'username',
    'method' => 'password',

For more information about providing @principal, see PrincipalProvider.

Advanced Usage

Logger is composed of MessageFactory instance and Client implementation.

Here is an example of creating Logger manually without Logger::fromDsn($dsn) factory method.

$configuration = Configuration::fromDsn('');
$messageFactory = new MessageFactory($configuration);

$client = new DefaultClient();
$logger = new Logger($messageFactory, $client);



Client interface consist of single method sendMessage(Configuration $configuration, array $payload): void which purpose is to send POST request to configured endpoint.

Optional default implementation is using symfony/http-client, but you can provide your own, if it is not what you need.

Here is a simplified example of existing client for testing purposes.

class EchoClient implements Client
    public function sendMessage(Configuration $configuration, array $payload): void
        echo sprintf("Url: %s\n", $configuration->getUrl());
        echo sprintf("Authorization: Basic %s\n", $configuration->getBasicAuth());
        echo sprintf("Payload:\n%s\n", json_encode($payload, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));


To send @principal metadata with your logs, you can provide implementation of PrincipalProvider. It has single method getPrincipal(): ?string which you can override.

Here is an example of custom implementation:

class CustomPrincipalProvider implements PrincipalProvider
    private $securityContext;

    public function __construct(SecurityContext $securityContext)
        $this->securityContext = $securityContext;

    public function getPrincipal(): ?string
        if ($this->securityContext->isLoggedIn()) {
            return $this->securityContext->getUsername();

        return null;

$messageFactory->setPrincipalProvider(new CustomPrincipalProvider($securityContext));

If you want, you can use built-in DefaultPrincipalProvider for static resolution of principal.

$messageFactory->setPrincipalProvider(new DefaultPrincipalProvider('username'));
// or just


You can provide implementations of Mapper interface for simplifying your logging. It consists of two methods supports(string $key, $value): bool and map(string $key, $value): array.

Here is a simplified example of existing mapper for JsonSerializable objects:

class JsonMapper implements Mapper
    public function supports(string $key, $value): bool
        return $value instanceof \JsonSerializable;

    public function map(string $key, $value): array
        return [$key => json_encode($value)];

$messageFactory->addMapper(new JsonMapper());

This library provides some built-in mappers:

  • DateTimeMapper for formatting DateTime objects
  • JsonMapper for serializing JsonSerializable objects
  • ExceptionMapper for serializing Throwable objects and providing @exception, @stackTrace metadata
$messageFactory->addMapper(new DateTimeMapper('d.m.Y H:i:s'));
// or just
$messageFactory->addDateTimeMapper(); // default format 'c'

$messageFactory->addMapper(new JsonMapper());
// or just

$messageFactory->addMapper(new ExceptionMapper('exception_key'));
// or just
$messageFactory->addExceptionMapper(); // default key 'exception'

When you use Logger::fromDsn($dsn) or MessageFactory::instance($configuration), all built-in mappers will be automatically registered with their default configuration.