
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Provide an API to Elasticsearch aggregations to build faceted search forms

Installs: 1 028

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 11

Watchers: 4

Forks: 1

Open Issues: 0


1.0.0-alpha3 2017-02-02 14:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-02-11 10:14:00 UTC


Package under construction. API and architecture is likely to be changed! Keep an eye on the

Provides an API to Elasticsearch (ES) aggregations to build faceted search forms. The plugin actually is build on top of Elasticpress even though the API to the aggregation expressions could be used with other Elasticsearch integrations. However, all examples assumes that you have Elasticpress enabled and indexed.


NOTE: This repository is no longer maintained.

Table Of Contents


The best way to use this package is through Composer:

$ composer require inpsyde/elastic-facets:dev-master


Aggregations for the main query

Example: Calculate term aggregations for default taxonomies (post_tag and category) on default search query.

namespace Example;

use ElasticFacets\ElasticFacetsApi;
use ElasticFacets\Aggregation\SingleFieldTerms;
use ElasticFacets\AggregationField\EpTermTaxonomyAggregationField;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use WP_Query;

 * Register aggregations (runs during `pre_get_posts`of the main query)
    function( ElasticFacetsApi $ef, ServerRequestInterface $request, WP_Query $query ) {

        if ( ! $query->is_search() ) {
        $cat_id = 'category';
        $tag_id = 'post_tag';
            new SingleFieldTerms(
                new EpTermTaxonomyAggregationField( 'category' )
            new SingleFieldTerms(
                new EpTermTaxonomyAggregationField( 'post_tag' )

 * Somewhen after `pre_get_posts`, probably in the theme
$ef = apply_filters( 'elastic_facets.get_registry', FALSE );
if ( ! $ef instanceof ElasticFacetsApi ) {

$category_terms = $ef->get_aggregates( $cat_id );
if ( $category_terms ) {
    foreach ( $category_terms->terms() as $term ) {
        $term->id();   // Numeric ID from the ES index, identical to the WP term ID
        $term->name(); // Term name
        $count = $category_terms->count( $term ); // Counted documents for this term

// Same for post_tag terms

Aggregations for custom queries

Example: Query for a WooCommerce product category term shoes and calculate term aggregations for the product attributes (WooCommerce taxonomies) pa_color and pa_size as well as the min and max price (post meta).

namespace Example;

use ElasticFacets\Aggregation\AbsoluteNumericRange;
use ElasticFacets\Aggregation\SingleFieldTerms;
use ElasticFacets\AggregationField\EpTermTaxonomyAggregationField;
use ElasticFacets\AggregationField\RequestNumericRangeField;
use ElasticFacets\ElasticFacets;
use ElasticFacets\Type\AggregatedNumericRangesCollection;
use ElasticFacets\Type\AggregatedTermsCollection;
use WP_Query;

$ef = ElasticFacets::create();
        new SingleFieldTerms(
            new EpTermTaxonomyAggregationField( 'pa_color' )
        new SingleFieldTerms(
            new EpTermTaxonomyAggregationField( 'pa_size' )
        new AbsoluteNumericRange(
            new RequestNumericRangeField(

$query = new WP_Query(
        'post_type' => [ 'product' ],
        'tax_query' => [
                'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',
                'field'    => 'slug',
                'terms'    => [ 'shoes' ]
        'posts_per_page' => 5,
        'elastic_facets' => $facets,
        'ep_integrate'   => TRUE

/* @var AggregatedTermsCollection | null $size */
$sizes = $ef->get_aggregates( 'size' );

/* @var AggregatedTermsCollection | null $colors */
$colors = $ef->get_aggregates( 'colors' );

/* @var AggregatedNumericRangesCollection | null $range_list */
$range_list = $ef->get_aggregates( 'price' );
if ( $range_list && ! empty( $range_list->ranges() ) ) {
    $price_range = current( $range_list->ranges() );
    $price_range->min(); // Min price
    $price_range->max(); // Max price
    $range_list->count( $price_range ); // Number of products in this range

The RequestNumericRangeField fetches its min/max values form a given ServerRequestInterface object using the request name (3rd parameter). This might be useful when the aggregations are combined with a filter for a specific price range.

$field = new RequestNumericRangeField(

<label for="min">Min</label>
<input type="number" name="price_range[]" id="min" value="<?= esc_attr( $field->min() ) ?>" />
<label for="max">Max</label>
<input type="number" name="price_range[]" id="max" value="<?= esc_attr( $field->max() ) ?>" />

Elasticsearch aggregations

The way aggregations are calculated highly depends on the ES query context type. For filters (filter context), aggregations are calculated on all documents of the entire index. This is typically not what you want to build a facet filter search. However, to limit the calculation of the aggregations to the subset of documents that matches the filter criteria you should use query context.


    "filter": [
            "term": {
                "post_status": "publish"
    "aggregations": {
        "category": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "term.category.term_id"

A query like the one above will calculate the term aggregations (how many documents per term id) for the complete index, not only for the published ones.

To limit the aggregations to the matching documents, you need to use a query context:

    "query": {
        "filtered": {
            "filter": [
                    "term": {
                        "post_status": "publish"
    "aggregations": {
        "category": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "term.category.term_id"

ElasticPress maps WP_Query args to ES queries which sometimes uses filter context. If you want to build aggregations upon these queries, you have to transform these filter contexts into filtered queries:

    function( array $es_query, array $wp_query_args ) {

        if ( empty( $es_query[ 'aggs' ] ) || empty( $es_query[ 'filter' ] ) ) {
            return $es_query; //Don't touch queries that don't aggregate or has no filter

        $es_query[ 'query' ] = [
            'filtered' => [
                'query' => $es_query[ 'query' ],
                'filter' => $es_query[ 'filter' ]
        unset( $es_query[ 'filter' ] );

        return $es_query;

Domain language



Aggregation fields are kind of type objects that provides field names according to the ES index (defined by ElasticPress in this case) as well as a unique ID that is used to identify a single aggregation in the query. They further provide any information to build and parse a specific type of aggregation even validated request arguments.

  • SingleAggregationField is considered to use for an aggregation that only focuses one single field of a document.
  • NumericRangeAggregationField is considered to use for an numeric range (between) for a single field.


Type object provides aggregation results and other data structures. E.g. a NumericRange type provides min() and max() methods. A Term is defined by id() and name().


Objects that build the query following ES DSL for aggregations.


Counterpart for Query: these objects are responsible for parsing the ES result into feasible value objects. (E.g. Term collections, numeric ranges)


Implementors of Query and Result interfaces. Builds queries along ES DSL and parses ES responses.

  • AbsoluteNumericRange aggregates min/max values of a numeric field. (ES Min/Max aggregation)
  • ArbitraryNumericRange aggregates a range (count documents within a given range) (ES Range aggregation)
  • SingleFieldTerms aggregates terms. (ES Term aggregation)


In order to run the tests you need to install PHPUnit globally on your system or use PhiVE to install it:

$ phive install

To run unit tests then use this command:

$ bin/phpunit 

(or $ phpunit if installed globally)

A code coverage report is stored in tests/coverage.log.

Mutation testing

If you have humbug installed on your system (it's not supported yet by PhiVE) you can run it like this:

$ humbug

It will analyze all files in src/ and create a report in tests/humbug.log.

Crafted by Inpsyde

The team at Inpsyde is engineering the Web since 2006.


Copyright (c) 2016 David Naber, Inpsyde

Good news, this plugin is free for everyone! Since it's released under this License you can use it free of charge on your personal or commercial website.


All feedback / bug reports / pull requests are welcome.