
A wrapper to use with Laravel.

dev-main 2024-05-15 11:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 12:31:09 UTC



A wrapper to use with Laravel.




composer require ingress-it-solutions/markdown-editor-md


Import the EditorServiceProvider in your config/app.php:

'providers' => [

Vendor Publish

Publish the vendor files to your application (included the config file config/editor.php and the public/vendor/ directory) :

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ingress\Editor\EditorServiceProvider"


All configuration options can be found in your config/editor.php file. For a full configuration options, read the documentation on the site.


To use it with the basic options, just use the helpers included with the plugin:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <title> example</title>
   {!! editor_css() !!}
    <h2> example</h2>

    <div id="editormd">
        <!-- You must hide it with `display:none;` -->
        <textarea class="form-control" name="content" style="display:none;">
            # for Laravel

    {!! editor_js() !!}
    {!! editor_config(['id' => 'editormd']) !!}

Advanced usage

If you want to use your custom options or options that are not in the config file, one of the best way, it to setup your Editor like that :

<!-- layouts/app.blade.php -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <title> example</title>

   <!-- Embed Styles -->
   <!-- Content -->

   <!-- Embed Scripts -->
<!-- controller/my_view.blade.php -->

   {!! editor_css() !!}

   {!! editor_js() !!}

       $config = [
           'id' => 'commentEditor',
           'height' => '350',
           // Others settings here...

   @include('editor/partials/_comment', $config)

<div id="commentEditor">
   <textarea class="form-control" required="required" style="display:none;" name="content"></textarea>
<!-- editor/partials/_comment.blade.php -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _{{ array_get($config, 'id', 'myeditor') }};
$(function() {
   editormd.emoji = {
       path : "{{ array_get($config, 'emojiPath', config('editor.emojiPath')) }}",
       ext : ".png"
   _{{ array_get($config, 'id', 'myeditor') }} = editormd({
       id : "{{ array_get($config, 'id', 'myeditor') }}",
       width : "{{ array_get($config, 'width', config('editor.width')) }}",
       height : "{{ array_get($config, 'height', config('editor.height')) }}",
       saveHTMLToTextarea : {{ array_get($config, 'saveHTMLToTextarea', config('editor.saveHTMLToTextarea')) }},
       emoji : {{ array_get($config, 'emoji', config('editor.emoji')) }},
       taskList : {{ array_get($config, 'taskList', config('editor.taskList')) }},
       tex : {{ array_get($config, 'tex', config('editor.tex')) }},
       toc : {{ array_get($config, 'toc', config('editor.toc')) }},
       tocm : {{ array_get($config, 'tocm', config('editor.tocm')) }},
       codeFold : {{ array_get($config, 'codeFold', config('editor.codeFold')) }},
       flowChart: {{ array_get($config, 'flowChart', config('editor.flowChart')) }},
       sequenceDiagram: {{ array_get($config, 'sequenceDiagram', config('editor.sequenceDiagram')) }},
       path : "{{ array_get($config, 'path', config('editor.path')) }}",
       imageUpload : {{ array_get($config, 'imageUpload', config('editor.imageUpload')) }},
       imageFormats : {!! array_get($config, 'imageFormats', json_encode(config('editor.imageFormats'))) !!},
       imageUploadURL : "{{ array_get($config, 'imageUploadURL', config('editor.imageUploadURL')) }}?_token={{ csrf_token() }}&from=xetaravel-editor-md",
       pluginPath : "{{ asset(array_get($config, 'pluginPath', config('editor.pluginPath'))) }}/",
       watch : false,
       editorTheme : 'mdn-like',
       placeholder : 'Type your comment here...',
       toolbarIcons : function () {
           return [
               "undo", "redo", "|",
               "bold", "italic", "quote", "|",
               "h1", "h2", "|",
      // Others settings...

Upload File

This package come with a build-in upload feature. You don't have to do anything to get it work.. expect to upload an image. 😜 If you want to do your own uploader, just register a new route and set it to imageUploadURL configuration option. (Of course you will need to create your own Controller and action, take a look here for an exemple)


If you want to contribute to the project by adding new features or just fix a bug, feel free to do a PR.