
Infrangible Magento 2 Log Wrapper

Installs: 120

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1.0.0 2023-06-25 06:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-13 17:02:02 UTC



This module was written to enable the possibility of using multiple loggers to log a record into several log files.

If you simply install this module nothing will change because the Magento default logger will be added as first logger. You can add more loggers using a plugin as described.



The following example is based on a feature module using this base module.

First you need to add a plugin definition in the di.xml of your module.

<type name="Infrangible\Log\Logger\Wrapper">
    <plugin name="module-plugin" type="Infrangible\Module\Plugin\Logging" sortOrder="10" disabled="false"/>

In this plugin you can add as many additional loggers as you like. In this case four more loggers are added. The loggers itself are included via dependency injection of Magento. Each logger has to implement the Interface LoggerInterface.


namespace Infrangible\Module\Plugin;

use Infrangible\Module\Logger\Monolog\ErrorLog;
use Infrangible\Module\Logger\Monolog\Log;
use Infrangible\Module\Logger\Monolog\SuccessLog;
use Infrangible\Log\Logger\Wrapper;

 * @author Andreas Knollmann
class Logging
    /** @var Log */
    private $moduleLog;

    /** @var ErrorLog */
    private $moduleErrorLog;

    /** @var SuccessLog */
    private $moduleSuccessLog;

     * @param Log        $moduleLog
     * @param ErrorLog   $moduleErrorLog
     * @param SuccessLog $moduleSuccessLog
    public function __construct(Log $moduleLog, ErrorLog $moduleErrorLog, SuccessLog $moduleSuccessLog)
        $this->moduleLog = $moduleLog;
        $this->moduleErrorLog = $moduleErrorLog;
        $this->moduleSuccessLog = $moduleSuccessLog;

     * @param Wrapper $wrapper
    public function afterInitialize(Wrapper $wrapper)
        $wrapper->addLoggers([$this->moduleLog, $this->moduleErrorLog, $this->moduleSuccessLog]);


Infran Log is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.