
Lightweight standalone ('nikolajev' packages only) console utility for PHP

dev-master 2022-01-22 11:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 02:47:23 UTC


Be sure your project's composer.json includes:

  "minimum-stability": "dev",
  "config": {
    "bin-dir": "bin"

composer require infotechnohelp/lite-console

This will create a bin/lite (composer symlink) file inside your project.

Configure Lite Console

Create /lite-console.json file inside your project's root

namespace - required

naming exceptions - optional

If directory with LiteConsole command files is inside src

  "namespace": "App\\LiteConsole\\"

If composer autoload psr-4 namespace LiteConsole registered

  "namespace": "LiteConsole\\",
  "naming exceptions": {
    "new": "NewCommand"

Naming conventions:

bin/lite create command will execute <AnyNamespace\>LiteConsole\Create class

new word is already reserved in PHP, no option to declare class New

In this very case you can specify such an exception inside naming exceptions section

Configure composer

NB!!! No need for that if directory with LiteConsole command files is inside src

Inside your project's composer.json

  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "LiteConsole\\": "LiteConsole/"

composer dump-autoload

Create Command class file

/LiteConsole/NewCommand.php || /src/LiteConsole/NewCommand.php


namespace LiteConsole; // || namespace App\LiteConsole;

use Infotechnohelp\LiteConsole\ConsoleCommand;

class NewCommand extends ConsoleCommand
    public function exec()
        $this->getArguments(); // array ['file']
        $this->getArgument(0); // string 'file' 
        $this->getOptions(); // array ['ext' => 'txt']
        $this->optionIsSet('ext'); // bool true
        $this->getOptionValue('ext'); // string 'txt'
        // Any execution logics here

Now you can use bin/lite new file --ext=txt