
A SimpleSAMLphp module to filter our own attributes

0.5.0 2020-03-19 12:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 00:06:35 UTC


This module can be used to add or change attributes using the ExpressionLanguage Symfony component.


  • PHP>=5.5


Installation can be as easy as executing:

bash$ composer require informaticauco/simplesamlphp-module-ucofilter


From any entity that supports filters (Authentication Processing Filters or authproc) we can use this module in this way:


use SimpleSAML\Modules\UcoFilter\Auth\Process\UcoFilter;

$config = array(
    // ...
    50 => array(
        'class' => UcoFilter::class,
        // (Optional) This filter only is executed is almost one rule is true
        // Default -> 'rules' => ['true']
        'rules' => [
            '"sp-remote-id" in request["saml:RequesterID"]',
        // (Optional) Reset the next attributes before to add new values
        // Default -> 'reset' => []
        'reset' => [
        // (Required) Create new attributes
        'mapping' => array (
            // Concatenation example without rules
            // firstName, middleName and lastName exists in Attributes.
            'commonName' => 'firstName[0]~" "~middleName[0]~" "~lastName[0]',
            // Multiple attributes
            'eduPersonPrincipalName' => [
                'commonName[0]' // previous attributes are available
            // Complete syntax with rules
            'groups' => [
                // value expression => rule expression
                // value only is added if the rule is true
                '"staff"' => 'in_attribute(attributes["uid"], ["username1", "username2])',
                '"guest"', // always true
                '"student"' => 'attributes["uid"][0] matches "/^alum\d+/"',
    // ...    

ExpressionLanguage reference


This methods are available inside the expressions:

  • string md5(string): call to PHP md5 method
  • string sha1(string): call to PHP sha1 method
  • bool in_attribute(array, array): search if exists elements from first array in second array. Useful to check if an attribute has a value.


Value expressions receives all the request attributes as variables. V.g: $request['Attributes']['uid'] will be accessible as uid variable inside expression. Remember than all attributes are arrays.

Rule expressions has three variables:

  • request: The complete request
  • attributes: Only attributes
  • value: The value to be assigned if the rule is true


To see the complete syntax supported by the Expression Language component see the
official documentation site.