
Custom Package for creating infi/hedge wallet

v2.1.4 2022-02-05 09:13 UTC



Build Status

Wallet library that handles on creating paper wallet that supports Infinity and Hedge coins.


  • Allows to generate paper wallet
  • Allows to choose network
  • Allows to sign a transaction
  • Allows to send a transaction
  • Allows to create webhooks


composer require infinitysoftwareltd/walletlibrary



  • Mainnet
  • Testnet
  • Devnet

Coins Blockchains

  • infinity
  • hedge

Generate wallet

Generating wallet have different networks which are Mainnet, Devnet and Testnet. Each networks has their own wallet prefix.

Testnet = t
Devnet = x
Mainnet = G

Add InfinitySolution\Wallet\Wallet into your class

use InfinitySolution\Wallet\Wallet;


To create wallet for this network. Add this into your class.

use InfinitySolution\Wallet\Network\Infinity\Testnet;

Invoke the Testnet into wallet constructor.

$wallet = (new Wallet(new Testnet))->generateWallet();


    "passphrase":"lizard apart sing melt replace verify keep chair endorse truly crawl basket",


To create wallet for this network. Add this into your class.

use InfinitySolution\Wallet\Network\Infinity\Devnet;

Invoke the Devnet into wallet constructor.

$wallet = (new Wallet(new Devnet))->generateWallet();


    "passphrase":"series elephant swamp attend uniform opinion average input project outer tennis feel",


To create wallet for this network. Add this into your class.

use InfinitySolution\Wallet\Network\Infinity\Mainnet;

Invoke the Mainnet into wallet constructor.

$wallet = (new Wallet(new Mainnet))->generateWallet();


    "passphrase":"lunar chuckle paddle diamond clip swallow use bright hat jeans spawn virus",

Generate QRcode for the Costumers

Your exchange is probably generating QRcode wallet address for your costumers. The format expected by mobile App Infinity to reconize the network and the wallet is {network}:{address}

Example QRcode Data

for Blockchain Infinity
for Blockchain Hedge

Sign a transaction

To sign a transaction, you need to follow the data structure. It should be an array with fee, amount, passphrase and recipient. Example:

$data = [
    'fee' => {FEE},
    'amount' => {AMOUNT IN DECIMAL},
    'passphrase' => {SENDER_PASSPHRASE},
    'recipient' => {WALLET_ADDRESS},
    'vendor_field' => {YOUR MESSAGE OR NOTE | THIS IS OPTIONAL}

You can change the server and the network. We have listed the available servers and networks above. Add InfinitySolution\Wallet\Transaction into your class.

use InfinitySolution\Wallet\Transaction;


For the Testnet you need to set the network and server once you instantiate the Transaction class.

$wallet = (new Wallet(new Testnet))->generateWallet();

$data = [
    'amount' => 100000000,
    'passphrase' => $wallet['passphrase'],
    'recipient' => '{RECIPIENT ADDRESS}',
    'vendor_field' => 'Example Message'

$sign_transaction = (new Transaction);
$sign_transaction->setTransaction(new \InfinitySolution\Wallet\Transaction\Transfer);
return $sign_transaction->build();


    "transactions": {
                    "vendorField":"Example Message",


For the Devnet you need to set the network and server once you instantiate the Transaction class.

$wallet = (new Wallet(new Devnet))->generateWallet();

$data = [
    'amount' => 100000000,
    'passphrase' => $wallet['passphrase'],
    'recipient' => '{RECIPIENT ADDRESS}',
    'vendor_field' => 'Example Message'

$sign_transaction = (new Transaction);
$sign_transaction->setTransaction(new \InfinitySolution\Wallet\Transaction\Transfer);
return $sign_transaction->build();


    "transactions": {
                    "vendorField":"Example Message",


For the Mainnet you need to set the network and server once you instantiate the Transaction class.

$wallet = (new Wallet(new Mainnet))->generateWallet();

$data = [
    'amount' => 100000000,
    'passphrase' => $wallet['passphrase'],
    'recipient' => '{RECIPIENT ADDRESS}',
    'vendor_field' => 'Example Message'

$sign_transaction = (new Transaction);
$sign_transaction->setTransaction(new \InfinitySolution\Wallet\Transaction\Transfer);
return $sign_transaction->build();


    "transactions": {
                    "vendorField":"Example Message",

Send the transaction into blockchain

Send transaction into node with custom peer.

$data = [
    'fee' => 90,
    'amount' => 100000,
    'passphrase' => '{SENDER_PASSPHRASE}',
    'recipient' => '{RECIPIENT_WALLET_ADDRESS}',
    'vendor_field' => 'TEST MESSAGE'

$sign_transaction = (new Transaction);
$sign_transaction->setTransaction(new \InfinitySolution\Wallet\Transaction\Transfer);
$tx = $sign_transaction->build();

$peer = $tx['peer'];

$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$req = $client->post($peer, ['json'=> $tx['transactions']]);

$data = $req->getBody()->getContents();
if ($data) {
    $data = json_decode($data);
    // This will return an object of ['accept' => ['transaction_id']]


You can create webhook event, delete and update. You can setup your own protocol, IP address and port. Just follow these code once you instantiate the Webhook event class.

First setup the webhook to your node
$webhook = new Webhook;

$webhook->setProtocol({YOUR PROTOCOL});
$webhook->setIP({YOUR NODE SERVER});
$webhook->setPort({YOUR PORT});


$webhook = new Webhook;


Create Webhook Event

Follow the data structure to create an event

$events = [
        'event' => 'transaction.applied',
        'target' => 'https://{your_endpoint_post}',
        'conditions' => [
                "key" => "recipientId",
                "condition" => "eq",
                "value" => "wallet_address"

To create webhook event, invoke this into your class

use InfinitySolution\Wallet\Webhook;

And in your controller or PHP class, pass the array of events and it will return boolean.

$events = [
        'event' => 'transaction.applied',
        'target' => 'https://{your_endpoint_post}',
        'conditions' => [
                "key" => "recipientId",
                "condition" => "eq",
                "value" => "wallet_address"

(new Webhook)->create($events);

Create multiple conditions of webhook

You can make multiple conditions per webhook event by adding additional conditions in the array

$events = [
    'event' => 'transaction.applied',
    'target' => 'https://{your_endpoint_post}',
    'conditions' => [
            "key" => "senderPublicKey",
            "condition" => "eq",
            "value" => "{YOUR SENDER PUBLIC KEY}"
            "key" => "recipientId",
            "condition" => "eq",
            "value" => "{YOUR WALLET ADDRESS}"

(new Webhook)->create($events);

Get all webhooks

You can get the list of your webhooks created.

return (new Webhook)->getAll();

If you have your own node server you can set that to get your latest weebhooks by doing this.

$webhook = new Webhook;
$webhook->setProtocol({YOUR PROTOCOL});
$webhook->setIP({YOUR NODE IP});
$webhook->setPort({YOUR NODE PORT});
return $webhook->getAll();


$webhook = new Webhook;
return $webhook->getAll();

Delete Webhook

You can delete your own webhook by using this code. If the deletion was successful it should return a boolean.

$webhook = new Webhook;


$webhook = new Webhook;

And if you have your own node, you can add your own protocol, IP and port by using this.

$webhook = new Webhook;
$webhook->setProtocol({YOUR PROTOCOL});
$webhook->setIP({YOUR NODE IP});
$webhook->setPort({YOUR NODE PORT});


$webhook = new Webhook;


You can get your own fees from your node. Add this into your php file or class.

use InfinitySolution\Wallet\Fee;

You can also set your own protocol, peer, and URL fee by adding this command once you instantiate the new Fee(); class.

$fees = (new Fee);
return $fees->getFees();


$fees = (new Fee);
return $fees->getFees();


  "data": {
    "1": {
      "transfer": "90",
      "secondSignature": "100000",
      "delegateRegistration": "1000000",
      "vote": "100",
      "multiSignature": "100000",
      "ipfs": "500000",
      "multiPayment": "100000",
      "delegateResignation": "100",
      "htlcLock": "300",
      "htlcClaim": "0",
      "htlcRefund": "0"


You can get your list of peers by invoking this into your class or php file.

use InfinitySolution\Wallet\Peer;

You can set your own node by using this:

$peer = (new Peer);
$peer->setIP({YOUR NODE IP});
$peer->setProtocol({YOUR PROTOCOL});
$peer->setUrlParams({YOUR URL PARAMS});
return $peer->getPeers();


$peer = (new Peer);
return $peer->getPeers();


  "meta": {
    "count": 23,
    "pageCount": 1,
    "totalCount": 23,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "self": "/peers?page=1&limit=100",
    "first": "/peers?page=1&limit=100",
    "last": "/peers?page=1&limit=100"
  "data": [
      "ip": "",
      "port": 4002,
      "ports": {
        "@arkecosystem/core-webhooks": -1,
        "@arkecosystem/core-exchange-json-rpc": -1,
        "@arkecosystem/core-api": 4003,
        "@arkecosystem/core-wallet-api": 4040
      "version": "2.6.38",
      "height": 6678599,
      "latency": 3
      "ip": "",
      "port": 4002,
      "ports": {
        "@arkecosystem/core-webhooks": -1,
        "@arkecosystem/core-exchange-json-rpc": -1,
        "@arkecosystem/core-wallet-api": 4040,
        "@arkecosystem/core-api": 4003
      "version": "2.6.38",
      "height": 6678598,
      "latency": 4