
Modules to limit maximum query cost by resticting maximum depth or number of nodes.

1.2 2023-11-10 15:31 UTC


⚡🌐⚡ Modules to limit query cost by restricting maximum depth or number of nodes.



Install package using composer

composer require infinityloop-dev/graphpinator-query-cost

How to use

This package includes two modules. They can be used together or each on their own.

  • MaxDepthModule validates maximum depth of a query.
  • MaxNodesModule validates that size of a query does not exceed maximum number of nodes.
    • One node is essentially a single value which is to be resolved.
    • This module automatically recognises "multiplier" arguments, such as limit, which multiply inner number of nodes for that field.
      • Default multiplier arguments are ['limit', 'first', 'last'], but can be changed using second constructor argument.
      • If you wish to disable this feature, set the constructor argument to empty array.
  1. Register selected modules to GraPHPinator:
$depthModule = new \Graphpinator\QueryCost\MaxDepthModule(
    10, // selected maximum depth
$nodesModule = new \Graphpinator\QueryCost\MaxNodesModule(
    10000, // selected number of nodes
    ['limit'], // optional: multiplier argument names
$graphpinator = new \Graphpinator\Graphpinator(
    new \Graphpinator\Module\ModuleSet([$depthModule, $nodesModule /* possibly other modules */]),
  1. You are all set, queries are validated for maximum depth/maximum number of nodes.