
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

Rest Api Wrapper for PHP.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

dev-master 2018-12-14 11:58 UTC


Build Status


PHP Rest Api Wrapper for IndicoIo

Community Supported Library

This client library is no longer officially supported by indico. We welcome support from the community regarding bug fixes and additional features. Please submit a pull request with changes.


  1. Install PHP, if not present.
  2. Install Composer (If on windows, you may need to configure php-openssl)
  3. Create (if not done yet) composer.json file on your project directory.
  4. Add this to the file :
    "repositories": [
            "url": "",
            "type": "git"
    "require": {
        "indicoio/indicoio-php": "dev-master"
  1. Run this command :
composer install


Found here


require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
use \IndicoIo\IndicoIo as IndicoIo;

print_r(IndicoIo::sentiment('Great food -- would recommend!'));

=> Array ( [Sentiment] => 0.86122900137512 )

print_r(IndicoIo::political('Free market economy'));

=> Array (
    [Libertarian] => 0.73124401007546
    [Liberal] => 0.027743022226388
    [Green] => 0.045547383056822
    [Conservative] => 0.19546558464133

print_r(IndicoIo::language('una giornata molto buona auguro') );

=> Array ( [Swedish] => 0.00011552035349677 [Vietnamese] => 0.0010439073406634 [Romanian] => 4.4859977761836E-6 [Dutch] => 4.5674707699322E-5 [Korean] => 5.3119192163625E-5 [Danish] => 9.7697777765179E-6 [Indonesian] => 4.0203025867581E-6 [Latin] => 0.0058764961008608 [Hungarian] => 5.6426058452007E-5 [Persian (Farsi)] => 6.2600437029341E-6 [Lithuanian] => 0.0039609506743307 [French] => 2.0399931496277E-6 [Norwegian] => 0.00015239304276317 [Russian] => 0.00013775439666658 [Thai] => 3.4066036425308E-5 [Finnish] => 8.1624733519993E-5 [Hebrew] => 5.8164830189384E-6 [Bulgarian] => 0.0034069103460234 [Turkish] => 3.8579592818398E-5 [Greek] => 0.00010709230008665 [Tagalog] => 0.00015189161475784 [English] => 0.00011645340410667 [Arabic] => 1.4140934271487E-5 [Italian] => 0.91248953273899 [Portuguese] => 6.6430192271289E-6 [Chinese] => 0.0001651405636031 [German] => 3.4131505928479E-5 [Japanese] => 7.2165176983677E-7 [Czech] => 2.0120301352267E-5 [Slovak] => 0.0002684897882399 [Spanish] => 0.0056873313305499 [Polish] => 0.00037255793355163 [Esperanto] => 0.065529937739673 )

print_r(IndicoIo::text_tags('This coconut green tea is amazing!'));

=> Array ( [food]: 0.3713687833244494, [cars]: 0.0037924017632370586, ...)

Batch API

IndicoIo::sentiment(array('Text to analyze', 'More text'), 'example-api-key')

API key credentials can also be set as the environment variable $INDICO_API_KEY or as api_key in the indicorc file.

Private cloud API Access

If you're looking to use indico's API for high throughput applications, please check out the pricing page on our website to find the right plan for you.

IndicoIo::sentiment("Text to analyze", "example-api-key", "example-cloud")

The third cloud parameter redirects API calls to your private cloud hosted at [cloud]

Private cloud subdomains can also be set as the environment variable $INDICO_CLOUD or as cloud in the indicorc file.


IndicoIo-PHP will search ./.indicorc and $HOME/.indicorc for the optional configuration file. Values in the local configuration file (./.indicorc) take precedence over those found in a global configuration file ($HOME/.indicorc). The indicorc file can be used to set an authentication username and password or a private cloud subdomain, so these arguments don't need to be specified for every api call. All sections are optional.

Here is an example of a valid indicorc file:

api_key = example-api-key

cloud = example

Environment variables take precedence over any configuration found in the indicorc file. The following environment variables are valid:


Finally, any values explicitly passed in to an api call will override configuration options set in the indicorc file or in an environment variable.